Example sentences of "i [vb base] [adv prt] in a " in BNC.

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1 She 'd seen the card I put up in a local shop , advertising the top flat .
2 I know I walk around in a daze most of the day but this is bloody rediculous .
3 If I 'm going to a meeting where I know I 'm going to be the only woman I put my war paint on , if I 'm just going to be in the office all day I slob around in a skirt and a jumper with very little make up .
4 Then I run off in a storm to see an astrologer .
5 It 'll be up to him whether he throws me to the dogs and I finish up in a debtor 's prison , or whether he turns into a guardian angel complete with halo and big fat cheque .
6 On one day during the test , I set off in a whiteout and finished , 12 hours later , in a torrential downpour .
7 Often now when I set off in a fairly posh car and switch on the radio and heater , I think back to those wartime battles to get my little fishing box onto the crowded trams and my long walks from Brigg railway station to catch bream at Cadney Bridge .
8 I thanked God for the small wrist compass that I wore as a matter of habit whenever I set out in a boat .
9 ‘ But they always end up the same — I see that terrible expression on Len 's face as he fell — then I hear the thud as he hits the floor — then I wake up in a cold sweat .
10 I go about in a wheelchair and someone who pushes it very often goes into a shop and says , ‘ Look here , you have bought rather a lot of things I think you had better give a cheque for them — now I ? I write the cheque out , dear , and you shall sign it . ’
11 ( They get up — To GUIL ) I come on in a minute .
12 ‘ I 've locked up the cottage and when I come back in a couple of days I shall sell up my sister 's belongings .
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