Example sentences of "i [vb base] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 But one aspect that I find very worrying is the extraordinary level of negativity in the media and I mean particularly in the newspapers . ’
2 ‘ They do n't live together — I mean not in the same place , ’ he added conscientiously .
3 I mean back in the early nineteen eighties when we sold our first er system abroad we were quite surprised to find out that the French did n't have a road called Edgeware Road and an organization called B A C S on it .
4 I eat alone in the dining room and the next morning set off early back to Mr Shah 's hotel .
5 Rather as it looked when I lay there in the dark , wedged between the changed Herta and the cold wall , in full confidence of erotic failure .
6 I lay there in the Bomb Circle where I killed her other son , and I hoped that she was dead , too .
7 As I sit here in the dark in , what is , after all , an artist 's home , writing by the light of the overhead lamp , I can see the shapes and colours and forms and the old excited feelings are returning .
8 But I realize , as I sit here in the offices of the Strategy Unit , away from my usual desk and my usual routine , and charged with scrupulous self-examination , that I look forward to being interrupted , and that I also get a certain satisfaction from these sighs and clickings of the tongue .
9 And the handsomest Celt on earth kneels before me while I sit snugly in the big armchair , the best armchair .
10 I sit down in the armchair and eat my cereal .
11 I sit down in the grey plastic chair in the featureless room with McDunn and a man from the Welsh squad ; a big blond brindle guy in a tight grey suit ; he has a rugby player 's neck and steely eyes and huge hands that are clasped on the table , lying there like a mace of flesh and bone .
12 I sit there in the laboratory , ’ says Phil , ‘ trying to think how people go , and I ca n't remember .
13 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ I say later in the kitchen .
14 I say surprisingly in the case of Christian feminists because it is so clear to me that women , or the feminine , can never hold an equivalent place to male figures or motifs within what is a deeply masculine religion .
15 These issues I touch on in the latter part of the chapter .
16 I place firmly in the Government 's lap the responsibility for failing to tackle crime .
17 I said yes , but I do n't think it was actually Jason Donovan , oh it was , yes , it was Jason Donovan and I 've got the paper all along , I give up in the end .
18 Half the decisions I read about in the newspapers . ’
19 I am writing to you for information about the kind of courses I read about in the article on the Features Page of last week 's Daily Telegraph which gave the address of your organization .
20 I stand up in the entrance of my bower , still in shadow .
21 As I lie uneasily in the cab , I wonder why it is that I feel propelled to barge in here .
22 Whereas I lie there in the night with an expired passport , pushing a baggage trolley with a squeaking wheel across to the wrong carousel .
23 I do n't want them to ask me any more questions , so what I do is I lie back in the sofa and shut my eyes like I 'm asleep .
24 1.05pm — Having left Tony and his Mum at his appointment , I set off in the direction of the A4 .
25 I met Mr Coary and Mr Rafter of the sewing-machine shop , and once the back-slapping was over , I set off in the manager 's car for my new lodgings .
26 ‘ My Cat ’ , it began , ‘ was in agony due to being hung upside down from our bedroom window by my brother , when I set off in the luxurious coach provided for us .
27 I set off in the van to ask on imported cereal intake if he 's seen it .
28 Yeah , but it 's very , it 's well , can , I do n't suppose it can be , I might of had one of the speakers out but I know there in the back of the speakers , you had this loft insulation it 's full of that
29 I know back in the 1930s Bradford City had a full back called McLuggage , but surely not even Reg believes that somewhere out there is a left back called Halfpound O'Liver .
30 Lili said suddenly , ‘ What I like best in the world is to see men dancing . ’
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