Example sentences of "i [vb base] [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I make allowances for the fact that the hon. Gentleman clearly prepared his supplementary before the news was announced .
2 Course I do get the Woman and the Woman 's Own plus I swap Options for the Cosmopolitan off our Joy .
3 For clothes , I suggest catalogues for a good selection .
4 ‘ Theo , I want money for the trip to Amsterdam ; if I have but just enough , I will go .
5 I meet Perry for the first time at the Starry Arms in Kentish Town .
6 When I think of my previous existence — of all I thought I could reasonably expect of the rest of my life , an allowed place at the extreme corner of someone 's drawing-room carpet , a Servant 's garret or no better , I give thanks for every little thing , which is unspeakably dear to me .
7 When I explain that I read books for a living , people launch into a frenzy of apologetic explanation : ‘ I do n't have the time ! ’ ;
8 ‘ As manager I accept responsibility for the team 's position and both parties agreed it was time for a change . ’
9 I attend college for the first time in weeks .
10 I like Chris for a boy .
11 I collect money for the IRA so we can build up an army and fight the bastards at their own game .
12 He pores over a map while I collect wood for a fire and Nathan digs out a seat for us all .
13 For anybody who 's interested — seeing as I think tickets for the Leeds end are currently available to members only , terrace tickets for the Villa end are currently on sale at 8 quid ( or 9 quid on the day ) .
14 Having lived for 20 years in a country in which the dominant religion was Buddhism , I thank God for the Buddha 's inspiration : ‘ Now may every living being , young or old , weak or strong , living near or far , known or unknown , living or departed or yet unborn , may every living thing be full of bliss . ’
15 It 's only the beginning for me but I thank God for the privilege of serving him this way .
16 I take Thyroxin for an under-active thyroid gland .
17 I have sympathy for the view of the convenor that it has been er revised er enough .
18 Oh well it 's gon na be another forty five minutes I must admit I have sympathy for the people who are going to listen to this .
19 you know I can understand now the people that have n't got the truth , when one of the , the mate , when the mate dies whether a woman or a , or a , or a husband dies , they want to die , they do n't want to live because I felt that , I felt that , what 's there , what 's there me left to live , my kids they 're , they have their own families , there all time , they have no time , I brought up three children , I have a full time job and I have time for every one of them to look after and to bring them up and to set them on their way to live and not one of them became a prisoner or something , you know , they 're all have nice jobs and , and nice kid nice people , one , nobody 's in the truth the boys
20 Anyway … the thing is , I have tickets for the opera on Friday — are you free ?
21 And I would keep those in my B section , you know , I have my long-term goals and I have goals for the year , and then I have my planning sheets , on how I 'm going to implement those goals .
22 ‘ Accordingly , ’ he was saying , ‘ I grant bail for the sum of £500 against your appearance in this court tomorrow , when trial will duly commence . ’
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