Example sentences of "i [adv] [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Writing in the school bulletin , he said : ‘ I wholly applaud The Northern stance on this particular issue .
2 May I say that I wholeheartedly support a big increase in the tax on petrol ( even though I 'm a motorist myself ) .
3 And because of a very mild T S S infection , it 's very unlikely that my daughter will ever have another child , so I wholeheartedly support the composite motion , but want to emphasize what we as individuals must do .
4 I rather like the whole penitential routine . ’
5 I rather like the flexible concept of this circuit .
6 I do not normally give way to someone who has just ambled into the Chamber , but I shall make an exception on this occasion , because I rather like the hon. Gentleman 's florid looks .
7 I rather deplore the recent manifestation of Pop ; it does n't seem to me to have the intellectual force of the art of the Sixties .
8 I rather pity the young who live in London because they must be having a particularly difficult time .
9 ‘ My companion and I merely walk the same path as you do . ’
10 I merely set a few wheels in motion . ’
11 And he all but confirmed this was his last match , saying : ‘ I basically feel the same way as I have all year , and although I am not going to announce my retirement , I guess that is it .
12 I naturally commend the hon. Member for Staffordshire , South ( Mr.Cormack ) on his choice of subject for debate .
13 With his wife Glenys choking back tears beside him , he added : ‘ I naturally feel a strong sense of disappointment , not so much for myself for I am fortunate , very fortunate , in my personal life .
14 I personally prefer an external chest map pocket as you do n't have to undo the jacket to get to the map — particularly important when it 's blowing a hooley .
15 I personally use a .013-.056 gauge on all the acoustics and all the electrics with the exception of the Firebird , which I use for regular flatpicking in standard Spanish tuning , and that one has much lighter strings on it — an .009 set but with an .011 on the top E. ’
16 Part of our case for the Radio News Network is that we must do better about telling our country about itself , not just in terms of law or education but also in terms of science , technology , medicine , the environment and an area where I personally have a great commitment — and that is coverage of business and our economy on which all our futures depend .
17 Not for a moment do I want our standards to drop and I entirely advocate the stringent standards of the Recruitment Committee .
18 I entirely understand the strong feelings of the hon. Gentleman 's constituents and I sympathise with them .
19 I only receive a severe disability allowance and finding two lots of money for dentists care will be difficulty .
20 You 're like your mummy , I only like the red ones really , strawberry and raspberry
21 In the court were twelve tiny cottages and I only remember a few of the families who were unfortunate enough to live there — the Pragnells , Goodfellows , Wheadons , Dears , Rattues and Dawkins .
22 I only remember the interminable dialling and re-dialling , and the short sharp commands given by the Sheikh .
23 It crashed nearby , and started burning — I only hope the poor devils were dead before they hit the deck , although we all instinctively gave a yell of applause , and I felt rather conscience-stricken afterwards . ’
24 I only hope the poor creature 's effort was worth it . ’
25 I only hope the same regulation is as strictly enforced in the rest of Europe .
26 I only hope the old sea dog is telling the truth ! )
27 and I only come every two weeks you see so
28 I lie in the metal box hoping to hear the elephant passing or the lions roaring , but I only hear a distant hyena against the myriad squeaks and screeches of the night .
29 However , I only put a few dozen sheets of paper through the machine , and two of them caught on the wire loop , which creased the paper and caused ink smudges where the machine was still printing .
30 I only get the first two options — everything else disappears off the bottom of the screen and reappears at the top , corrupted and unaffected by the mouse , even though CGA appears to be supported .
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