Example sentences of "i [conj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ … we were both pulling in opposite directions , and I felt Brian was siding with his mother rather than standing up for me or remaining in the middle .
2 No doubt those whom we so recently persuaded to seek their bread elsewhere are hungry because they are idle , vicious , and ill-conditioned and think it easier to rob such innocent and harmless passers-by as I than to toil in the fields . ’
3 There are three themes which stand out to me that run throughout the book that are all in some way or other interlinked .
4 Let my lord pass on before his servant , and I will lead on slowly , according to the pace of the cattle which are before me and according to the pace of the children , until I come to my lord in Seir . ’
5 ‘ Certainly not … to catch me here ! ’ said the third , lifting on the breeze above me and hovering over the top of the pole where the trap was .
6 He went past me and bent over the dead man .
7 But my dogs have always , much rather come shopping with me and sit in the , .
8 He rushed past me and went into the nearest building .
9 She put out her tongue at me and went to the kitchen .
10 She said , ‘ Every year I end up taking a pair of rubber gloves with me and looking after the children , and every year I end up coming home feeling exhausted .
11 People smiled at me and sang in the streets .
12 Kicking back the covers , I let my feet touch the carpet , put on the white and blue striped kaftan which my journalist daughter had made for me and walked to the window overlooking the central court .
13 He turned his back on me and walked into the room .
14 Come down with me and dance at the Casablanca Club .
15 His voice was surly , but suddenly he twisted round to face me and took off the headphones , and I thought he was going to apologise for his rudeness of the previous night , but instead he demanded to know if it was true that we were out in the open ocean and were not planning to make a landfall for some days .
16 Diplomatically , he took the golf bag from me and headed for the car park .
17 If Agrippa gave an order they obeyed with alacrity , but sometimes I caught them watching me and shuddered at the amusement in their icy , pale-blue eyes .
18 I 've only been on since I read that thing in the square ball , and I suppose loads must have done the same as me and jumped on the bandwagon .
19 I keep remembering the last night we were here — same hotel and all — and how Matt and I went out and got stinko-paralytico together and ended up doing the Zorba dance and got thrown out and Matt pointing at me and saying to the waiters Hey do n't you recognize Mista Rick from Parkway Peninsula and they did n't and made us pay for the plates .
20 He turned his head slightly towards me and spoke in the direction of my tie .
21 I held my ticket tightly to me and smiled at the thought .
22 In a funny way , it helped me a lot to find that there were people worse off than me and to learn through the callers that there were a lot of different ways of being strong .
23 Will you do me one to take home with me and put on the wall ? ’
24 When I move on to three eight one , three eight two there 's a lot of things been said about these benefits this morning which does n't leave much left for me but looking at the situation of the way this Tory government has in the last thirteen years , certainly since nineteen eighty two crucified the benefits paid genuinely to people is in itself a crime upon society and it reminds me of the the words of the song it 's the rich that get the gravy and it 's the poor that get the blame and nothing , but nothing has changed since those words were written many many years ago .
25 Indeed , by the time Lord Darlington had finally come round to bidding his guests rise and drink to ‘ peace and justice in Europe ’ , the level of such noises — perhaps on account of the liberal amounts of wine that had been consumed — struck me as bordering on the ill-mannered .
26 The story quotes me as saying of the Rousseau painting in question , that its ‘ present whereabouts ( are ) unknown ’ .
27 I often took it with me when going to the allotment and felt very grown up on the return journey if my father had put a few vegetables in it .
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