Example sentences of "i [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I therefore proposed an account of law , ‘ normative positivism ’ , which I take to synthesize salient features of positivism and natural law thinking and which seems to me wholly to fit the nature of criminal law .
2 One such example is : ( 189 ) … the cry which made me suddenly to re-enter the dimension of distinctness .
3 But if you do n't embrace EDI , relentlessly , every year , conference after conference , you will be faced with the prospect of people like me endlessly expounding the virtues of EDI .
4 I even tried laying trails of cheese that led to my feet , which she scoffed up , but she did n't trust me enough to take the cheese from my hand .
5 When I nervously entered the breakfast-room I looked up at — a black column !
6 I wholly support the concept of a ‘ going rate ’ for experts to avoid misunderstandings and to promote financial planning .
7 I do not propose to say more at this stage , except that I wholly accept the evidence of the surgeon as to the desperate nature of this situation , and that I grant the declaration as sought , which will include provision for the necessary consequential treatment in addition to the Caesarean operation .
8 Though raised Church of England , I rarely join the congregation since learning at the age of five that , according to the Church of England bible , God punished the naughty .
9 I rarely saw the learning supported by the practical work the textbooks themselves suggest .
10 I rarely knew the answer to that when we were married . ’
11 A personal example : my rugby loyalty lies with Hawick , but for career reasons I live in Edinburgh , and I rarely have the opportunity to attend home games , so club membership is n't really worth considering .
12 I rarely used the Hasselblad .
13 I rarely leave the jungle now ; certainly not with pleasure .
14 And I rarely consider the fact that Scottish MPs form the bulk of the Party 's support in the House of Commons .
15 In my simplicity I duly said the collect , which was listened to with silent interest until the end , when there would be a great burst of laughter , which mystified me .
16 I duly repaired the leads and returned to the airship and refitted the radiators .
17 I duly completed the essay on the rise and fall of The Criterion , and I sent Eliot the relevant copy of The Townsman .
18 I thank the Secretary of State for his statement , and I bitterly regret the circumstances that made it necessary .
19 I promised I would n't and in fact had no intention of doing so , as I secretly regarded the Duce as a bit of a buffoon .
20 On European monetary and economic union , I will say only that I wholeheartedly support the views expressed by my right hon. Friends the Prime Minister , the Foreign Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
21 I wholeheartedly support the petition .
22 I had just come out of one of my planning meetings and I metaphorically banged the table and said ‘ I know exactly what you should do . ’
23 1985 was special for me — as one of the National Display Team I took part in the CCPR celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall , and later in that year I successfully completed the Medau Teacher Training Course .
24 ‘ On the album I mostly used the Demeter head , the tweed Deluxe and an amazing 1950s 4x10 ’ Fender Bassman that I borrowed .
25 When I eventually crossed the wall correctly , my second could not retrieve the runner ; neither could a party which came up behind him .
26 I eventually cured the trouble by hiring an electric drill , and drilling a row of 1–1/4in holes through the 9in thick concrete base .
27 Because of the activities of the hon. Member for Denton and Reddish ( Mr. Bennett ) in holding it up , I eventually became the wrecker of every other private Bill .
28 Already I had had presentiments of the satisfaction I would feel when I eventually got the bag home — the huge relief as I unpacked my treasures .
29 Crawling on our stomachs , making use of every scrap of cover or depression , however slight , and remaining motionless whenever he looked in our direction , Abdullahi and I eventually reached the shelter of a low ridge .
30 When I eventually reached the gods I hesitated , afraid to push the door open , but after a couple of minutes I became too frightened to stand there in the dark any longer .
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