Example sentences of "i [verb] been [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 He wanted to know how I 'd been getting on , and who 'd been helping me out .
2 ‘ The one against Ruddock was more natural , more instinctive , something I 'd been working on .
3 He 'd been sitting apparently fascinated by my World Religions class , and when he came up at the end I was sure he wanted to ask a question about Zoroastrianism or Thuggee , or whatever damned thing I 'd been going on about .
4 My mother had a fit when I went home and my aunt said I 'd been taken on .
5 I had been wept on by so many boyfriends that , had Home Sister known , she would have warned me of the dangers of pneumonia every time I went out on a date .
6 I 've been smoking on and off like a chimney
7 I 've been coughing on and off .
8 also some of the things that I 've been going on with , doing this one with three , and I do n't know if it , they 'll stay in the can long enough for that .
9 erm I 'm conscious of the fact that I 've been going on for perhaps too long and I may not have said quite enough about Darwin , but let me just finish by saying this that it 's not possible today , I believe , to discuss any important problem in biology without Darwin 's thought being absolutely central to what you 're saying all the time .
10 ‘ Yeah , it 's a collection of tunes that I 've been working on for a while .
11 Something I 've been working on . ’
12 And for me , it represents an opportunity to complete the kind of Freud-Darwin synthesis I 've been working on really , for the last ten years , and it kind of represents the completion of the synthesis , as it were now completely merged in my mind into a single , the single kind of entity that I , I know call psychoanalytic .
13 How many times have you supposed to have taken something back or have it repaired or something and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there and it 's collected du , I 've got things round the house that I 've been working on and that I 've got ta , I 've got ta and it 's collected dust .
14 I 've been moaning on about Perdita all evening , but at least she 's alive , whereas Will … ’
15 Erm the simple reason is I 've been signing on , erm they 've suspended my unemployment .
16 I 've been signing on postally in fact .
17 I 've been chattering on far too long .
18 Yeah I , I er thought about self defence but I keep thinking about things like that 's fine but if someone has a knife or a gun , the one might of self defence that I have been trained on or taught in can possibly help and I ca n't really see it as being very very helpful because
19 I really feel I 'm a Lion in New Zealand now that I have been trampled on , ’ he said .
20 I have been banging on about South German wheat beers for years , and I am delighted to see that they are becoming more easily available in Britain .
21 Eyes turned to boarded up windows and rubbish strewn in gardens and the depressing picture moved the prince to say : ‘ This is why I have been going on for so long about architecture in the environment . ’
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