Example sentences of "i [verb] see him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have n't spoken to Mr Boldwood since the autumn , when I promised to see him at Christmas , so I 'll have to go .
2 He was buoyant today , but also edgy and more authoritative than I 'd seen him for ages , when mostly he 'd been gloomy and sulky .
3 I 'd seen him in the Feathers , surly in his own corner of the Snug , not liked by , not liking , the other villagers .
4 I thought I 'd seen him before somewhere .
5 I tried to think of when I 'd seen him after that , apart from when we got our degrees — him proud and posing for the family album , me drunk and disorderly .
6 I know he has done some bar work , ( hardly surprising for a pisshead like Harvey ) I remember seeing him in the Three Cups at Stamford Bridge a few years back .
7 I remember him relating it again the first time I returned to see him after gaining my first post as butler — to a Mr and Mrs Muggeridge in their relatively modest house in Allshot , Oxfordshire .
8 I went to see him at Covent Garden and came away thinking ‘ What am I doing with this miserable life ? ’
9 Early in the morning I went to see him at the Castle .
10 Then I went to see him at his home in Wimbledon and , as we were talking , he gradually got into the Frank Spencer character .
11 I went to see him in his house .
12 I did see him as a six year old child .
13 This was the first time I had seen him since the landings .
14 He looked happier than I had seen him for weeks and there was colour in his cheeks .
15 Perhaps I was sent to the chippie , or café up the street to fetch cigarettes , or lemonade , or to go at full haste and deliver a note to one of his girl-friends ; or maybe he simply wanted to chastise me for something I had done , as for instance when I inadvertently got him into hot water by mentioning to Mum that I had seen him with a girl ( an infamous young woman ) after he had faithfully promised not to see her again , ever .
16 She had been as insignificant in appearance as all the other girls I had seen him with : as insignificant as I was myself .
17 I had seen him on a number of occasions during my childhood in Abyssinia where my father had been British Minister at Addis Ababa , but this was the first time I spoke to him .
18 There was Barrymore , with the light in his hand , looking out across the moor , exactly as I had seen him on the night before .
19 I had never met the head of governors , Dr Arnold Barton , though I had seen him at several functions , a thin , tall , stern-faced , lantern-jawed streak of a man who rarely seemed to smile .
20 I had always admired him , ever since as a small boy I had seen him in his State robes in India .
21 That long white robe I had seen him in that night was a sort of hospital gown .
22 And then , suddenly , I had to see him as a MAN — my husband !
23 I 've seen him outside of football a couple of times — but it just shows there are no friends in the game . ’
24 I 've seen him without .
25 ‘ It 's the first time I 've seen him without all his hangers-on , ’ Cy commented .
26 The big fella is more keyed up than I 've seen him for a long time and he is channelling all his energies into one final world cup fling .
27 Oh I 've seen him with
28 I 've seen him at Liverpool in the players ’ lounge .
29 I 've seen him at the club many times .
30 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
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