Example sentences of "i [verb] he [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 I made him look at me and see how pale I am .
2 Mm I mean he looked at me like I was a bit silly and it was only when I got it and looked he 'd got after Christmas written
3 erm yo I mean he says at one point , as a positive statement , he thinks , that he bend , he 's bending his nature out of its natural course
4 I mean he started at roughly about the same time as me .
5 I urge him to look at one current study which concerns the possibility of moving the sea systems control first to temporary accommodation and then , in 1995-96 , to permanent accommodation .
6 I hope he stays at Tranmere , he is an excellent player .
7 When I replied he looked at me , then at my colleague , and addressing him , said , ‘ Oh well , at any rate he was born in Canada . ’
8 ‘ I asked him what his impression was of the University and I remember him looking at me and saying : ‘ Very friendly , very prosperous and doing very well ’ .
9 I tried to improve it and I remember him screaming at me in the street after the first-night party in London . ’
10 I heard him shouting at it .
11 Once I heard him speak at a church service in Morton , and although he was an excellent speaker , there was a certain bitterness and disappointment in his words .
12 My friend was about 50 feet above me and almost out of sight in the fog , when I heard him yell at me to ‘ come and see this ’ .
13 I heard him say at one gathering that there were certain things he thought ought to be done , and he was going to do them , whether people followed him or not .
14 I heard him growling at the crowd .
15 I believe he had at one time worked with Cizek and he certainly knew of Tagore 's work and writing .
16 I saw him looking at her , you know , when
17 When I saw him dancing at the Saturday night disco at the Turtle Bay Hilton I thought I had discovered how it was he managed to survive those horrendous wipeouts .
18 The path I took ran past Mr Frankland 's house , and I saw him standing at his gate .
19 I saw him look at it in the car when we were driving to the Lubianka .
20 I thought he looked at me sadly .
21 I thought he meant at his place , but , of course , he never invited anyone to his home for dinner .
22 I thought he worked at OBEX , ’ said her mother with a frown .
23 I think he worked at Lloyds in insurance .
24 I wish he 'd at least been honest with me and I could have divorced him .
25 But I see him looking at me .
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