Example sentences of "i [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I , I er , you would not expect me to continue with the euphoria which you were trying to create earlier , and er , I have to say that I suppose that you would n't er , be proposing any different budget to this would you , in the circumstances that you 've got .
2 They were both trying to persuade me to continue with the radiotherapy and drugs . ’
3 ‘ But both Graham and I knew it was impractical for me to continue in the job and remain as manager of Exeter . ’
4 I know nothing about radio — but I do n't need to , I realize , because , even while I watch , the waves are softly withdrawing from the wavebands , as from a beach at low tide on a calm summer 's afternoon , leaving me gazing through the darkness of my son 's bedroom at three shirts , two of them size 35 long , one of them size 32 medium .
5 As he wrote years later in his long unpublished memoirs , ‘ hazard or Providence made me knock on the door of the Hôtel Terminus of the Gare du Nord . ’
6 It is normal for me to report to the Council 's Planning Committee the end of year disease statistics and any recommendations which might be necessary in line with the management strategy .
7 ‘ Unless , of course , you 'd prefer me to report to the Reichsführer that we lost this man because of your stupidity . ’
8 ‘ Would you kindly explain to me why you have allowed a confidential document belonging to me to fall into the hands of a junior member of my staff ? ’
9 The idea came from the experience of pulling hair out of the bathtub ; ‘ this made me think about the things that are worthless , that we want to get rid of , the embarrassing hidden things like body hair , and the things we value and cultivate — in our culture , for instance , the head of hair is usually the first thing people register when they look at someone , a great deal of energy and money is , therefore , expended on hairdressing and styling .
10 But it made me think of the voice that sent us to the bar ; he whispered then .
11 She was , however , immensely enthusiastic and encouraging , trying to make me think of the enterprise as a holiday as well as a mission with a sad and serious purpose .
12 This time of the building of the gardens of our minds makes me think of the Pacific Ocean where insects spin the sunlight and the salt water , and weave them into the most beautiful oases of the sea .
13 His talk made me think of the housing estates near Mum 's house , where the ‘ working class ’ would have laughed in Terry 's face — those , that is , who would n't have smacked him round the ear for calling them working class in the first place .
14 Too much space and too much light in this courtyard : it made me think of the difference between his face and mine .
15 It made me think of the Palace Hotel .
16 Okay , suppose Come Up And See Me goes in the charts and they ring you up and say , ‘ Steve , how do you fancy going on Top Of The Pops ? ’
17 They 're telling me to go on the stage and act , but I ca n't do it , it 's the one thing Mum and Dad are dead set against . ’
18 It 's why Uncle Vernon wanted me to go on the stage . ’
19 The idea was for me to go on the high-wire sixty feet above ground — on the shoulders of a Czechoslovakian circus performer .
20 Herman S. has just telephoned to ask me to go to the theatre with Ivy and him next Thursday — to see Samuel Beckett 's new play .
21 She wants me to go to the theatre though , I do n't think she 'll enjoy Chekhov very much .
22 But I was n't struck by any thunderbolts or lightning flashes , and when talking about the dance afterwards in the Met Office I merely remarked to the officer on duty that I 'd met a very nice corporal and he 'd asked me to go to the Station cinema with him on Saturday .
23 He advised me to go to the Academy and work with Professor Dachauer .
24 ONE AFTERNOON KĀLI BROUGHT THE COWS HOME EARLY AND CAME rushing over to ask me to go to the forest with her to collect a load of pine-needles .
25 Well we went off and got off at Peel which was the other with the all bandaged up and she said the chemist advised me to go to the police and er so she said that 's why I 've been a long time because I 've been to the police and reported it .
26 He said it 's happened before and he advised her to go to the police and er so he , he said er when and the police st told her , when you come back we 'll have all this typed out i and she came back all with a flask all bandaged up and she said the chemist advised me to go to the police and er so she said that 's why I 've been a long time , because I 've been to the police and reported it .
27 Then I think : he 'll have worked that out as well , so he 'll expect me to go to the car .
28 My mother would n't allow me to go to the meeting last night — you know she despises anything Irish . "
29 Something forced me to go to the orchard .
30 I dare not spend another farthing , and it would be suicide for me to go to the bank , even if Richard agreed , which he wo n't . ’
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