Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] we [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But first of all let me explain how we come to agree the number of booklets on the and the individual financial target per assignment .
2 I mean increasingly we see that we 're , we get more constables here more constables there , but they do n't ever appear to be actually out on the streets , and until we can get more men on the streets with the deterrent effect that their appearance has , let alone anything else , we are not gon na get much further .
3 Yes I mean in a sense that just sort of shows that a lot of people would agree with Lakehoff in the sense that they think that women use a lot of tag questions and have that speech style , erm I mean like we 've been able to see , and what we can say is that men and women 's language is different er and it 's even possible to say in what way it 's different , but the difficulty becomes when we actually want to say why those differences are .
4 I mean like we 've had er woman
5 Well no , well I mean like we do I mean I mean but I mean my gross up about three hundred over Tony 's but I put in many hours right ?
6 I mean technically we do have an entitlement to visits in that Janet was was reminding me the other day that that we said , when Deborah was here , that everybody was entitled to four visits a year .
7 do we want to erm go I mean obviously we want to go away and I 'll do it with my friend and you 'll do it your
8 Oh yes , there is I mean obviously we do n't do that for seventy pounds because we could n't obviously .
9 I mean basically we go there and the meat shop do n't we ?
10 I mean basically we have had organize it this year .
11 Yes I mean basically we need to first of all decide , I think this is what we 're deciding in the first instance , which option for the provision of information you find the most helpful .
12 Cutting bricks is another fault of Russ , it 's all commonsense actually if you think about it , I mean actually we 've drove round at night looking at people 's walls and things like that and some were absolutely appalling , they 've obviously paid money to have that done , so you , you , you can see it do n't have to be absolutely perfect
13 In Chapter Five I described how we disguise our motives in conversation through using sub-text .
14 I says well we have n't come by the front door , which we had n't of course .
15 The hon. Gentleman mentioned the first ; in my original answer , I showed how we intend to work towards it .
16 ‘ I think I know where we 've gone wrong .
17 I know when we go out we leave our lights on .
18 I know when we 've er sold the house , when our children all went and left us , the house was for three bedrooms , right , and I , I said to my husband I do n't want to stay here because they built the school outside behind our er , erm back yard , and every , all the rubbish that kids throw threw over and I said to him I do n't want to stay now kids , kids gone , children gone leave , left home , got married and went to off , I said I do n't want to live here , I do n't want to retire to , to stay at home and listen to the kids at school all day long and have the rubbish thrown over the hedge
19 I need , I need to have to give , I know how we feel but he 's getting older
20 And look at the way he 's slept on it oh I 'm not running Tim , I ca n't cope this morning , I know sometimes we do , but I need to walk to the gate like a lady
21 Er Eric and I know fully we 've been through that , fingers crossed behind our backs .
22 What we propose to do today is : I discuss how we see our unit fitting in with the Borders psychiatric service and services for the confused elderly in the Borders .
23 ‘ Well , I guess once we hear it officially , I 'll be drafting a note saying we do n't think it 's a frightfully spiffing idea . ’
24 Yes , one picture does come to mind : before I broke away we lay facing , learning each other 's features in this new light .
25 I suppose really we learn by who sent us that evening .
26 I suppose now we 've either got to cut through the next side street we come to and try to get to the main road , or turn round and find the canteen and start again . ’
27 I bet once we reach your destination that will be it . ’
28 Well what he said to us , if I go up we go up together , he said .
29 I think it was just the thought that if one shift did n't turn up or if people stopped turning up , then others would n't turn up and it 'd just escalate until everyone was just sitting at home in front of the fire and the quarries would function as normal , and the fact , well certainly with me , I thought well we have to make an appearance to show people that we are still on strike and keep , you know everyone who drives past us will be saying , ah hello what 's up with them ?
30 I did about twenty , because I thought well we do n't normally sort of adv scatter more than
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