Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was extraordinarily lucky in starting off in a post that was small enough and compact enough to enable me to meet quite a sizeable proportion of the population . ’
2 Somewhat naïvely , I had expected it all to be sorted out then and there , but the chap just took my name , gave me a form to fill in and told me to come back a few days later for a full interview .
3 I never did get the hang of table tennis but I became quite a useful bantam-weight and once even represented the club against Bethnal Green .
4 I cite only a few .
5 Half-blinded by shadow I made out a steep wall of steps and moved towards it .
6 Although I hated the very idea of selling things to people who might not want to buy them ( even if it was good for them ) I made quite a few sales , the main commission deriving from the sale of a Group Insurance Scheme to 32 men from the Times-Herald staff .
7 I choked back a heartfelt tear .
8 mhm Well I think it can go from anything , I mean just a vague feeling of suddenly being put off what you 're talking about because you 've suddenly become conscious of how you 're looking .
9 I mean just a friendly little party .
10 Yeah I mean just a few different should you use a little bit of green powder paint .
11 It does n't supersede that in any way , and obviously if people do run into problems I mean normally a major problem in the first three months or three thousand miles is taken back to the dealer anyway .
12 Right so there 's a thought that somehow democracy ought to be self-justifying erm the well I mean quite a long way actually two types of justification of democracy , instrumental and erm Mill is defending democracy surely instrumentally and we might want to say democracy has its justification of freedom and equality .
13 I make not a party-political point , but one which shows the reality of not having proper consultations on the time scale for implementing such a major piece of legislation .
14 I got quite a few kicks out of doing that .
15 I got quite a few things in there .
16 I answered every thing and I seem , I think I got quite a few right , I mean I do , I , if I got fifty percent on that I 'd be very pleased .
17 And er I got , they 'd got about twelve hundred members , and I think I got about a thousand , of course there were n't two of the men that knew and they voted .
18 I got back a two-word coded message .
19 ‘ I wrote a letter two days ago suggesting a meeting and this morning I got back a curt note suggesting a time .
20 I tumbled over a drunk lying spreadeagled in the close .
21 This gave me pause , and when I returned to the hut I tried out a few grins into a hand mirror , and decided he was quite right !
22 Next I tried out a different approach .
23 I found out a few weeks ago that the canon there says prayers for John every day . ’
24 In the water I found only a few coins because the beach dropped off quite steeply into the water , making it difficult to detect .
25 Fortunately , the corner hedge of an adjacent field was in a direct line with the site , so I moved forward a few paces , switched on my metal detector and started swinging it in an arc before me .
26 In trying to keep the wheelbarrow upright as I walked , I moved along a wavy line .
27 He sat down on the far side of the room and I caught only a brief view of him through the dancers , but it was undoubtedly Ralph Pike still at large .
28 The first season I fished it I caught a solitary barbel , during the second I caught about a dozen and in the third well over fifty .
29 Well that was kept by fella called and they could get the beer off-licence , although it was n't , it was n't so far to the Old Naked Inn and then there was a pub on the corner of , I ca n't remember the name of that because they 've opened it too young to remember pubs in them days but er , apart from the off-licence there was no actual public inn on Street , there was off-licence , as I say just a few yards down was the Old Naked Inn and there was a pub on the top of just on the side of .
30 In one of the Belfast inner-city communities , I built up a strong personal relationship with a very poor family .
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