Example sentences of "i [verb] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And what do you say , do you say , ‘ I do n't agree with what that man says , it 's a bad book , I do n't like it or I wo n't read it ’ , or do you say , ‘ it 's probably useful for me to try to make the imaginative judgment to see things the way he sees them , to see the way the world looks like from his point of view , and I may reject that , but at least one ought to have some tolerance and some understanding ’ , and it seems that that 's where the study of literature meets life .
2 I applied to join the Royal Air Force and ended up in the Pay Corps , stationed initially at Devizes for three months ' square-bashing .
3 I do n't want it poured over my head from a bucket in a comic that only appeals to the most basic and obvious , nor do I want to read the photo-copied scribblings of an undergrown fifth-former .
4 By the historicity of texts , I mean to suggest the cultural specificity , the social embedment , of all modes of writing … .
5 Except that this condition clodhopped into view only because I intend to tell the unlipsticked truth to Gill .
6 I intend to uncover the old boy system where everybody covers up when cases like this arise .
7 ‘ Although I ceased to need the physical link some years ago , I still have the ability to use it . ’
8 My confidence suffered so much that I failed to reach the 50-wicket mark in three successive County Championship campaigns with Middlesex .
9 The shops were opening and I browsed for a while in one that sold books as well as newspapers and magazines , but I failed to find the American edition of Rodriguez 's book .
10 I got to see the famous ‘ railway station ’ — which was a prop , a facade .
11 I wish I was doing more hours , though really , cos like , I got to take the whole day for it ,
12 After the breakthrough with Chaman it still took two months of regular visits with Zakir before I got to know the other eunuchs properly .
13 I hate to bring the real world into this , but is your room-mate going to pop in at any second ? ’
14 I tend to take the beautiful surroundings of the mikva for granted ; in my local mikva , the private bathrooms which lead in total privacy into one of two mikvas are beautifully decorated and colour co-ordinated , centrally heated with modern power-showers and flouncy floral curtains all around .
15 If one has to take a view of the balance between the reinforce-and-stick-with-it , or the cut-your-loss schools , I think I tend to favour the cut-your-loss brigade .
16 Erm why would I need to use the square root of minus one ?
17 How I long to see the black kid depicted as something other than the tam-donning , dope-smoking , unemployed gang member , structuring his life around reggae music , blues parties , and thieving , and phrasing his life 's ambitions in terms of one day to the next with little or no positive orientation to the world and an outlook flavoured by prejudice and ignorance .
18 I tried to ask the Prime Minister , in a parliamentary question , to give details of the additional charters in the various service areas which arise directly from his own citizens charter and to say when each of the new charters would be published .
19 It was perhaps because of this , and because I tried to foster the whole idea of positive thinking , that I began to concentrate more and more on visualization .
20 I tried to pull the other dog 's jaws back .
21 Erm , because I was rather sad , I I tried to instore the Rotary Club in the district in taking part , or or encouraging their
22 Alone on a holiday and trying to come to terms with his grief , he reflects that ‘ the most cruel pain of all occurred at such moments , when I tried to face the still unacceptable fact that I could never tell her anything again .
23 She brained me when I tried to reboot the neural net . ’
24 She brained me when I tried to reboot the neural net ! ’
25 Over the coming months I expect to see the Inland Revenue , the Customs and Excise and the DTI increasingly at work in an area ripe for their activities .
26 I am not so green that I expect to get the sole credit on this movie .
27 Instead , I propose to illustrate the distinctive nature of the British polity by comparing it , where appropriate , with the American .
28 I hesitate to correct the hon. Gentleman 's pronunciation , but in my day I fought the constituency of Islwyn which is now represented by the Leader of the Opposition , and I can tell him that it is pronounced ’ Issloin ’ .
29 I want to visit the Protestant temple . ’
30 Similarly , in an 1894 speech , Millicent Fawcett pressed for the vote on the grounds that she ‘ wished to strengthen true womanliness in women , and because I want to see the womanly and domestic side of things weigh more and count for more in all public concerns ’ .
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