Example sentences of "i [verb] [vb pp] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I got sent down the judge said , ‘ You should be out for the baby 's birth ’ , but I was n't .
2 comment , and another time I 'd lit up a cigarette you know
3 I 'd grappled up the slope on foot just before and knew how steep and icy its surface was and which of the bigger rocks had to be dodged because they would foul the car 's underside .
4 I 'd built up a picture of you , like the one my father cut out and gave me , but it 's nothing like you , Dimitri .
5 After a while , though , when I 'd turned down the side-street where the house was I hoped ) , there were no more sounds to frighten me , and as a result of course I grew much more afraid of the stuffed , dripping silence .
6 My mother could n't believe I 'd turned down the highest single accolade known to show business aside from This Is Your Life ( which I 've also managed to avoid by dint of a pact with the reclusive man with whom I share my digs ) .
7 I did n't have to think — I was leaping downhill like a goddamned goat before I 'd summed up the situation : which was they intended to rob me .
8 I rang the School of Tropical Medicine in London and told them I 'd picked up a botfly , and they said ‘ very exciting ’ and quoted me some home cures : ‘ Keep a raw steak over the hole for a couple of hours and the larva will burrow to the surface to breathe and then you can take the steak away … ‘
9 Twenty-odd years earlier , I 'd picked up an idea from the marvellously creative Bill Brown who was Director of Billy Graham 's Crusades in 1966–7 .
10 I had no previous experience of building anything like this , but by studying the old sheds and some leaflets from a company that made stables , I 'd knocked up a working drawing .
11 That was the filthy coastal town smelling of fish oil where I 'd taken over the driving .
12 It was heavy to get on board singlehanded , but I 'd worked out a good method of lifting it with a spare halliard fitted with a simple purchase .
13 I 'd woken up the next morning at Aisha 's place , not convinced that I was really in London : her flat was like any flat at home with the same smell , the same coloured ottomans and rugs , the same pictures on the walls , the brass tray in the middle of the room , and the loud shrieks and wails of her two children puncturing the air .
14 I put brought out a list of points .
15 As you can see I have set up a set of equations which can be summarized in the following formulae :
16 After a night of endless fun — rounders followed by Cluedo , Cheat and a visit to the Clumber Park Social Club where Ken performed a striking rendition of Wild Thing on his guitar — I felt burnt out the next morning , but everyone else was raring to go .
17 I had made up a sort of flattened octopus-like creature , with electrically lit eyes , which we stretched out onto a frame and placed in a shallow trough of water so that it was only just submerged .
18 Just as I had fired up the cooker the cat rod that had caused me all the grief earlier was off again .
19 However , I said I would try so I put on my best uniform , nicely pressed , and as I paraded in front of him I said I had turned up the hem of my skirt and did he think it was too short ?
20 ‘ But I would always have regretted it if I had turned down the chance to find out whether I could make it at this level . ’
21 ‘ All right , ’ I had said listlessly , disconcerting my mother considerably , since I was perfectly aware that she had expected me to turn down this preposterous proposal with as much intractability as I had turned down the others .
22 I had wrung out the Spidersuit and Y-fronts and hung them over a Bible suck thinking how He would just have to lump a bare arse on His books for one night .
23 I wish I had summoned up the nerve to smile back .
24 And I 'm a very keen golfer and I had built up a reputation erm by playing in open tour open tournaments and meeting professionals and
25 I had separated out a whole slot for an over-60s magazine , Years Ahead .
26 ‘ By the time I was just 22 , I had run up a clothes debt of nearly £4,000 ’
27 Yet I felt at last I had straightened out the time that had buckled when I lost all my writing .
28 When I got home I found , among the mountain of letters ( mainly telling me I had filled in a blue form when it should have been a yellow one or asking for information I had already given ) , one from the BBC asking me to get in touch with the Punters office in Bristol as soon as possible .
29 And so you , you , you I had stepped up a bit in , in in rank , I 'm a but erm there was being , on the social side course being next to the Sir Robert Peel , when we went down there , it was quite handy although I 'm not a drinking man , I never have been , I 'll go and socialize and I 'll have half a pint or two halves but I 'd never I 've never been one to go out drinking .
30 ‘ He was livid , as though I had stirred up the printers against him and come to say ‘ I told you so ’ once they 'd walked out . ’
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