Example sentences of "it made [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This was thought to be due to the fact that the smaller wheels were leading , but the Metropolitan Electric tramways which had some similar cars on almost identical bogies , turned the bogies round on one of their cars ( No. 25 ) and it made no appreciable difference .
2 It did not seem to be of any consequence , for it made no immediate difference .
3 Its lack of significance is that it made no real difference to the political situation , except for putting the burgh of Edinburgh through a rapid change of councils and giving it the burden of housing the army of the Congregation .
4 obviously it was no good he , you could smoke like a chimney it made no damn difference the state his insides were
5 However , in the study , it made no significant difference whether a male or female teacher directed class activities .
6 It made no fucking sense at all , but Plummer had his reasons for believing the information .
7 However , it made no public statement concerning its decision that factual information and suspicions could be mixed in one computer .
8 It made no express reference to proceedings between a named representative of a class and a member of that class who might well have sharply different interests , as betweeen themselves , as to the substance of the plaintiff 's claim .
9 I nearly slipped on the convex peel as it made a squishing sound underfoot , doing small damage to my shoe .
10 She said it made a real change to have a bit of humour round the place .
11 It made a real holiday for Francis .
12 It made a fearful mess , though it was only a superficial wound . ’
13 According to the Chilean Human Rights Commission the distinction was unacceptable because it made a prior judgment of guilt .
14 It made a strong impact on me .
15 It made a strong impact . ’
16 MIPS says it made a strong effort at the beginning to get the SCO on very favourable terms but the sponsorship just was n't there .
17 And it made a long garage .
18 It made a lasting impression on me .
19 I zipped back along the M20 , letting Armstrong have his head as I thought it made a nice change for him not to plod through heavy traffic at ten miles an hour .
20 It made a nice change from Share My Lettuce to which he switched every evening .
21 oh it made it made a nice change .
22 The evening was an enjoyable affair and it made a pleasant change not to have to leave Sally behind .
23 It made a perfect setting for Murder in the Dark .
24 I guess it made a stimulating change for him not to be surrounded by fawners and flatterers the whole time .
25 In the nine months to March 31st , it made a net profit of $188m ( up 38% on the same period of the previous year ) on sales of $1.7 billion ( up 40% ) .
26 It had a beautiful soft tail and it made a sad sound : ‘ Eee-eee ! ’
27 ‘ I only had a couple of hours with him , but it made a tremendous difference .
28 It made a strange sort of sense .
29 It made a pre-tax operating loss of £398m , and restructuring took another £218m for a total pre-tax loss of £616m , up from a loss last time of £124m ; turnover fell 6% to £3,751m ; domestic sales and exports were each off 6% at £1,606m and £2,145m .
30 For the year to March 31 it made a pre-tax loss of £9.8m , compared with a massive £448.4m last time .
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