Example sentences of "it does not [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It does not show bias towards particular users , either particular user enquiries , enquiry types , or the enquiries from a particular ( perhaps powerful ) user .
2 What he brought to the Card Trio was what the singers also brought , which is dramatic tension ; and yet its subtlety is such that it does not draw attention to itself , but simply contributes to the dramatic fabric of the whole .
3 So , unless you are very ecology conscious , or the price differential increases dramatically or 2 star becomes unavailable , then it does not make sense to convert a 2.25 to run on lead free .
4 One difference between perceived-as appearances and presentation appearances is that whereas it does not make sense to talk of being mistaken about the former it does make sense to talk of being mistaken about the latter .
5 I said that whereas it does make sense to talk of being mistaken about presentation appearances it does not make sense to talk of being mistaken about perceived-as appearances .
6 It does not make sense to regulate the newsagent in the example used in section 1.2 .
7 Thus if it does not make sense to suppose that the designatum of " A " might be different from what it is , then " A " is a rigid designator , otherwise it is non-rigid .
8 It does not make sense to send a bomb unattended from Malta through Frankfurt to London — two stops where it could be found [ he went on ] .
9 ‘ Indeed I have , mon ami , ’ said Auguste crossly , still mortified that his entrée should be selected , ‘ and I tell you this : it does not make sense .
10 It does not make sense to charge all users the same rate , for users at different times impose very different marginal costs on society .
11 I share the view of the hon. Member for West Bromwich , East that it does not make sense to go back to the days of the red flag , but we must find a compromise between the passenger 's interest , which is the interest of the railways , and the pedestrian 's interest .
12 It does not make sense to squander important resources that the nation can ill afford to lose .
13 In other European countries we have worked through agents and believe that it does not make sense for us to continue to try to service all those countries when LDP has a substantial full-time sales force already in place .
14 This is quite understandable if the non-specified version of the infinitive 's support corresponds to a " generalized person " : since this person is the virtual sum of all persons ( first , second or third ) , if to snow is not explicitly referred to it , the infinitive is felt as having a possible reference to " me " or " you " , which corresponds exactly to the impression produced by the sentence above and explains why it does not make sense .
15 The only proposition with which they could be eliciting an agreement is that made by A : but it does not make sense for B to elicit an agreement with A's proposition .
16 It does not make sense .
17 Unless there are sound reasons for so doing , it does not make sense to go outside the established channel .
18 It does not make life easy for George Bush , but neither does it make it easier for Congress .
19 It does not make lure fishing better than other methods .
20 Nias argues that the description of what the primary teacher puts into that amalgam is incomplete " if it does not make room for potentially dangerous emotions such as love , rage and jealousy on the one hand and intermittent narcissism and outbreaks of possessive dependence on the other " .
21 It does not want intimacy in order to love , in order to grow .
22 To expect a genius — yes , my daughter is a genius , I knew it from the first — to endure the humdrum ways of marriage , bear children , become a housewife — it does not bear thinking of !
23 This is bad but , for all the anxiety , it does not bear comparison with the jolts of the mid-1970s and the early 1980s , let alone with 1929–31 when the value of British exports almost halved .
24 The House of Lords is of course a superior court although it does not form part of the Supreme Court of Judicature .
25 Section 2 of the Act expands on the meaning of " new " and says that an invention is new if it does not form part of the " state of the art " ; this expression comprises all matter which has been made available to the public in the United Kingdom or elsewhere , by written or oral description , by use or in any other way .
26 There is no point in leaving a writ unserved : it does not start interest accruing ; it does not do anything but temporarily interrupt the limitation period .
27 I do n't think I can accept that it 's targeted towards industrial estates , it does not preclude office style campus development being included within it .
28 The movement was not without criticism from those whose support might have been taken for granted ; Robertson Nicoll pronounced the 1894 Congress a ‘ failure ’ because ‘ it does not represent Nonconformity and it is wholly lacking in enthusiasm and initiative . ’
29 The first thesis is more difficult in that it does not express ideology as mere illusion nor as a reflection of real conditions .
30 The selection of source material will limit the information which can be processed , and may introduce unnecessary overheads if it does not fit material to be processed well ( Sampson , 1989 ) .
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