Example sentences of "it should be [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I thought Chairman that er Mr is saying that er they would consider any consult with the Union on some of the statements that have been made and I quite er the item D is in fact necessary that er I I I gave no arguments , it should be given consideration if it is come to that and er it will come back presumably to form a proposition of deal with it then .
2 In institutions where this is not the case at present it should be given priority in plans for staff development and forward planning .
3 But they would still insist that induction into a tradition is right — it should be teaching religion not just teaching about religion in a way which distances it and effectively marginalizes it .
4 In 1920 , Croydon Aerodrome became a civilian airport , operated by Imperial Airways ( the local Council thought it should be called Wallington Airport ) .
5 This would be a counterblast to the growing propaganda of the Left , not only in Oxford but outside — in fact , I suggested that it should be called Counterblast , with Wyndham Lewis 's ‘ puce monster ’ , Blast , in mind — but we were as anxious to dissociate ourselves from the Right .
6 I think it should be addressed sir that your amplification is nonexistent .
7 The agreement to set up a peace conference followed a meeting of senior CSCE officials in Prague on Feb. 28 , which proposed a peace plan recognizing that Nagorny Karabakh belonged to Azerbaijan but proposing that it should be allowed self-determination .
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