Example sentences of "it could [adv] [be] see " in BNC.

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1 The famous ceiling , where the wooden angels flew face down through the dusty air above the crowd , was so high it could scarcely be seen in the gloom .
2 By 1955 it could also be seen that Stalin 's direction of East Europe military policy was not only onerous , but wasteful .
3 It was placed so it could not be seen by the customer .
4 Someone had mentioned that the ski-jump was off to the right , but visibility was only 50 yards and it could not be seen .
5 ‘ Just from the back , Elaine ; it could n't be seen , in any case . ’
6 It would have been no use asking him whether he thought there was a unifying purpose in life , whether it could really be chance that an animal so small that it could n't be seen by the naked eye could die millions of years ago in the depths of the sea and be resurrected by science to prove a man innocent or guilty .
7 And as it could n't be seen from the cockpit there had been nothing to remind her that it was still open .
8 Our revival of it could well be seen as defiant ; that 's why we have already commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of Aby Warburg 's death .
9 It had been a heady day when she noticed the photograph no longer in a place of honour , on the chest of drawers , but moved to a shelf where it could hardly be seen , and then face down , and then in the bottom of a drawer .
10 This was tempting a different breed into the job — it could now be seen as a rewarding all-year-round career .
11 It could still be seen there in the fourteenth century .
12 The teaching and research staff , and the academic centre the course would make possible , would greatly enrich this process within Britain ; it could indeed be seen as an important example of resource-sharing from south to north .
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