Example sentences of "it could [adv] be that " in BNC.

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1 It could even be that you need to change job altogether .
2 It could even be that one of the worn words on the aforementioned standing stone was ‘ Drustans ’ , another name for Tristan and that the stone marked the place where Mark ordered the lovers to be buried together .
3 It could even be that we are moving into a hitherto unknown dimension with the next steps in IT .
4 It could also be that Reilly , who has never knowingly sold himself short , is driving a hard bargain .
5 It could also be that Reilly , who has never knowingly sold himself short , is driving a hard bargain .
6 It could also be that Widnes 's match with Barrow last Sunday will be deducted from his current eight-match suspension .
7 It could also be that there is a general deficiency of demand for labour throughout the economy , in which case the involuntarily unemployed workers will face fierce competition for the jobs that do become available .
8 It could also be that the chain of distribution is so complicated that margins are pared to nothing .
9 It could also be that those who remain to resume operations in London are lying low because of the fear of target surveillance by increased security service activity and resources .
10 It could just be that some of us get married to creatures that fit that description , so perhaps there 's a mysterious kind of genetic memory involved here .
11 Furthermore , it could just be that his union might contain diverse political factions within it which , thanks to years of forced and unenforced apartheid , have come to permeate every fabric of society and may well have forced SARU into an on-going powerplay with SARB .
12 It could just be that you are the indirect cause of the complaint and the action you take has a consequential impact on the customer .
13 Er I mean it could just be that they do n't like it , so anything which they do n't like is grating or
14 It could just be that you 're the person in your family who knows what 's on all those video tapes that nobody 's labelled up .
15 It could equally be that they had spotted my men following them and were attempting to shake them off . ’
16 It was not unlike the feeling she experienced when men looked at her and wanted her though she knew it could not be that for there was nothing sexual between her and Gary and never would be .
17 She said , between sobs that seemed to tear her chest open , something that sounded like , ‘ All my fault He knew it could n't be that because it did n't make sense but there was no point in asking her what she had said because she was crying too hard She cried and cried and Nick sat and watched .
18 Of course it could n't be that Nick had been relieved .
19 It could n't be that I was right , and while I yearned to return to a certainty I already knew , I heard only my mother 's voice , insisting , on one dead note , that she knew of what life should consist .
20 It could well be that an Australian will win for the first time .
21 A B&Q spokesman said last night : ‘ Because our store was the closest to the viaduct it took the full force of the blast and it could well be that we are talking of a complete demolition .
22 This might put pressures on the sons and it could well be that not all would feel able or willing to take on the task .
23 It could well be that there are many more signals operating between cells than is currently suspected .
24 It 's important to remember the classification tells you about the minimum facilities available : it could well be that a Listed establishment , for example , will also provide some of the services and facilities found at a higher Crown level .
25 It could well be that it was the very fact of the fading of life enjoyment which is experienced with the responsibilities of adulthood and parenthood — and this could have affected the very primitive man just as much as it does modern man — which precipitated the very first of man 's attempts to take control of his future and the progress of evolution , by becoming ‘ civilised ’ .
26 If indeed this was how he happened upon verre anglais , it could well be that it was in England , not Spain , that Dom Pérignon rediscovered the cork .
27 It could well be that someone has tried to make this look like murder followed by suicide . ’
28 Most of these detailed demographic studies have been made with pasture or woodland systems in northern temperate regions and it could well be that in arid zones , and some other extreme environments , biotic pressures are less dominant and then climatic factors may play the major role in killing plants and in natural selection .
29 If IQ were entirely inherited ( a contentious assumption ) and if IQ were related to crime ( many studies have found that low IQ is ) , this would be perfectly compatible with an environmental explanation : it could well be that people with low IQ are treated unfavourably by others and this unfavourable treatment makes them more likely to commit crime .
30 It could well be that I have prejudices about what makes a decent DTP system , but I tried to outline and then to justify them as part of the review .
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