Example sentences of "it could [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They proved it could be done when they were faced with the task of building a glass conservatory restaurant over the water in the Queen 's Graving Dock underneath the new building .
2 Mann said it could be done and Denega drove him to the chapel to see ‘ if the small cracks in the facade could be enlarged ’ .
3 When , however , the cells were double-labelled with the anti-Bcl-2 antibody and either human autoantibodies against a set of mitochondrial proteins or a rabbit antiserum against ER proteins , it could be seen that Bcl-2 was present in the mitochondria ( Fig. 3e , f ) , as well as in the nuclear envelope and ER ( Fig. 3c , d ) .
4 From the roof it could be seen that the sepoys had remained in their positions and were building themselves shelters .
5 It could be seen that the main structures , the twisted claws and the lumpy core , were themselves made up of accretions of smaller shapes that resembled nightmare exaggerations of arthropod and cephalopod forms .
6 It had rained heavily during the night — a sudden downpour which had filled the gutters and drains which supplied the city 's water catchment system — so that when dawn broke it could be seen that many of the drapes and festoons over archways and down the faces of stands and platforms had been torn from the frames by the weight of the water which had soaked them .
7 His Lordship posited a third situation where looking again at the whole context it could be seen whether the end result was fair despite some initial defect .
8 To the readers of 1850 it represented on the one hand a great Romantic apologia , though the stress on the French Revolution would not have pleased ; on the other hand it could be seen as specifically a mid-Victorian poem , contemporary with the work of Tennyson , George Eliot and Matthew Arnold .
9 ‘ I was very torn about whether to use that picture , 'cause it could be seen as too sensitive , but then , why does every photo of me have to be spread legs , arms crossed , strong woman ?
10 Since Collins has publicly vowed to emigrate to America if Labour wins the election , it could be seen as appropriate .
11 Now it could be contended that any manager who needed a booklet to tell him this should be on the shopfloor .
12 He thought that if people such as the Iroquois of North America practised a particular type of agriculture it could be assumed that their institutions were the same as those of long dead prehistoric peoples who had a similar level of technology .
13 ‘ Any beer in the house ? ’ asked Boyd , as soon as the car engine had started up and it could be assumed that Mrs Stych was on her way .
14 Sleep-deprived subjects have been shown to have lower amplitude CNVs , and it could be assumed that this is associated with inattention or poor preparation for making a response .
15 For example , if x=4 , and there were 20 labelled cells in a population of 1000 cells , it could be assumed that the cell population represented 20/4 , or five hemicrypts .
16 If these new inputs had been in a form that small farmers in marginal areas could practically use , it could be hypothesised that the resulting extra incomes would encourage soil-conserving investments and would take the pressure off farmers to over-exploit the environment .
17 The poets Czeslaw Milosz and Donald Davie have been bothered by the insufficiency and irresponsibility of the lyric genre , and it could be felt that Kundera goes further than they do in denouncing the lyric , and fares worse .
18 He had n't suggested the film might not come out although she could n't have had time to develop it yet and she was n't working through a ‘ friend ’ sent round to sympathise with him deplore the whole thing and assure him it could be stopped if he 'd only tell that terrible woman one little thing … ’ — And since I 'm not married or anything I thought I 'd stick to the personal angle .
19 But it could be stopped if the Suffolk based brewery Greene King is successful in its take-over bid .
20 But it could be stopped if the Suffolk based brewery Greene King is successful in its take-over bid .
21 It could be believed that God , whatever was understood by God , was equally close to all times and places ; that no particular period , and no particular events , were to be held to be more revelatory of God than others .
22 It appeared to the Commission that , aside from certain cases involving fantasy or malice , a request for service forwarded abroad met a precise need , and it could be presumed that such a request was in compliance with the procedural law of the forum , since this step would otherwise make no sense .
23 And it could be said that not only is it about imitation — it is also , as are other tours de force , itself an imitation of something .
24 In fact it could be said that our position in the rankings is declining in direct proportion to the increase in the money spent .
25 IT COULD be said that the Scottish appetite for golf is so healthy they would turn out to watch anybody play .
26 We saw in Chapter 7 how the enemy is ‘ homosexualized ’ , with the result that , even while homosexuals were being imprisoned and murdered by the Nazis , it could be said that to eliminate homosexuality would be to get rid of fascism .
27 It could be said that some sort of crisis was going to force itself up in the life of a strongly emotional young man who was so strictly engaged in compartmentalizing his life : a father who was never meant to know about Janie Moore ; Minto herself cut off from college ; almost all his friends kept in darkness about his emotional history , and most of them at this period unaware of his religious interests ; pupils who were discussing with him the things he cared about most — books — but in a fashion which prevented his strength of feeling breaking through .
28 In fact , it could be said that the only women these days who sport one single fragrance , all the time , are those famous glamour-pusses — Joan Collins , Elizabeth Taylor , Paloma Picasso , and so on — who are paid several millions of dollars a year to endorse a ‘ signature ’ scent , on condition they never allow gossipy fellow lunchers in smart restaurants to get an illicit whiff of ‘ Chanel No 5 ’ as they swan by .
29 But if it could be said that he did have a weakness for something , it was for Ireland and the Irish .
30 I WAS really only a bystander in the tragedy of young Mr and Mrs McLeod ; it was not really my business , although it could be said that I had known them both — had seen them about — for most of their lives .
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