Example sentences of "it when you [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 No ! you should n't have even started it when you came in now come on get your coat off and get
2 Then she decided to be awkward , like she always is , and said I says oh it 's still taping you know and I s she said summat , I ca n't remember what it were now but I was saying , I knew that 'd happen , one minute yes then no , then I 'll think about it , I says and if I did n't start it when you went out you 'd be saying you could 've done this and that and er so she were chittering , pretending she said I could n't do it .
3 ‘ Aubrey told me all about it when you went off to America .
4 It is only if your Mum or Dad has it , that you may possible have it when you grown up , whether you are a boy or a girl .
5 That is it and I hate it when you keep on and on nagging .
6 That is it and I hate it when you keep on and on nagging .
7 And let's just hope your life is where you left it when you come back . ’
8 Do you wan na cup of tea or d'y we have it when you come back ?
9 Well you can play with it when you come back here .
10 My friend Julia McKenzie is wont to say ‘ You said you could do it when you wrote in , ’ but these days she 's more into saying : ‘ When will you learn to say no ? ’
11 You pay it when you get back out there .
12 Well you two can do it when you get back from the walk , just left me to do it
13 Or is it when you get in maybe a quarter of an inch … and then you withdraw like a bat out of hell ?
14 Why , are you having it when you get in ?
15 People talk about it and you learn , and you might do it when you get out .
16 The er what was it when you called out the A A ?
17 It 's , you can put it in but you ca n't put it back with your fingers you do n't realize it when you go up and get it and you ai n't got enough
18 ‘ We 'll hang it in the bedroom where you can see it when you wake up . ’
19 The same holds for metaphor ( ‘ Queen Victoria was made of iron ’ ) and irony and sarcasm ( ‘ I love it when you sing out of key all the time ’ ) , which depend upon the assumption that they will be interpreted as deliberate floutings of the charge to ‘ Be true ’ rather than as untruths intended to deceive .
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