Example sentences of "it 's [verb] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , it 's trying to go that
2 Erm but once you 're , erm we do really it 's trying to wallpaper that 'll go with our bedspread , er without
3 And I think when we talk in terms in getting around to spending the money we have got then we need to look quite clearly about how you make a place more inviting and it 's also about when people come into the building how they 're met what the receptionists like , when they ring up can they get through and I mean I 'm I 'm surprised that 's said about the tickets that I think that our reception ticket areas an excellent area the people working there are first class are very friendly very helpful so it 's trying to get that sort of concept through the building I thin k we work on that I think the building 's kept very clean people who clean the building are very good but I hear what you 're saying and I thinks it 's been said earlier by the lady here by the foyer downstairs she feels threatened when she goes into that bar because I think the whole decor and the way it is is a threatening place I think we need to look at those so that was an old and .
4 So it 's trying to get this tied down and get its limits clearly defined so you know what you 're talking you know exactly
5 Yes , I 've got a guy in , well I 've got a couple of people on the shift , and er , the more you give them to do , they just love it , but the thing about it is , I think the mistake that I certainly make from time to time , is the more you give them to do , you 've sort of erm , taken something from somebody else , and then it , it 's trying to keep that erm , trying to keep that more level , and fairness to everybody .
6 You missed a couple off that proactive I think is the buzz word it 's called seem less production so .
7 By the way the lot of seemed to be played in Hertfordshire these days , and one of the great days is at Harpenden and that 's on September the first on Sunday , when they have their annual single-wicket competition , and that 's a great local event and it 's bound to encourage all the young cricketers in the neighbourhood , they 're trying to make up for the lack of cricket in schools , so well done Harpenden and that is on Sunday next , er , er , first of September and I 'll give you the time in a minute if I can find it , when it is , it does n't say , but it 's probably all day at the Harpenden club , well done Harpenden encouraging young people to play cricket , Sunday first September .
8 It 's designed to do that as well as protect her . ’
9 Unisys Corp has signed up to use Univel Inc 's UnixWare as the operating system on those iAPX-86-based U 6000 workstations and entry-level servers it 's expected to introduce this spring : the agreement is said to mark the start of a close strategic alliance between the pair .
10 Believe me , starting 's the easy part — it 's keeping going that 's hard .
11 And everywhere you look there 's evidence of the back-breaking work it 's taken to create this landscape .
12 It 's going to back this really is n't it .
13 If it has n't happened already , it 's going to happen any time now , and when it does , software developers could get the impetus they need to start shifting products capable of useful work .
14 And it 's going to kill most of the
15 I do n't want a discussion about this because it 's going to engender more problems than it will solve . ’
16 Erm , the kid 's got to figure out if it 's going to use that to project the other sentences then it might come across it 's got to , it 's got ta decompose that into structure .
17 ‘ At that decibel level , I do n't think it 's going to matter much ! ’
18 Just from racing so long I know what it 's going to do most of the time so I can adjust the pressure on the handlebars and know how hard I can drive it into the pavement .
19 I think perhaps that can be thrown out because otherwise it 's going to scratch that that nice tin .
20 But it 's going to take some time before construction begins .
21 Somebody puts another resistor , another , not a resistor , conductor cos it 's going to let some more get through , no matter how much resistance it 'll still let some get through .
22 So we put another wire on , do n't think of it as resistance , think of it as a conductor , it 's going to let some more current through .
23 I can tell you now it 's going to have some of that salty humour to it , that salty talk , but I am in no way a misogynist .
24 It does seem to me when you start losing money of that sort it 's going to have some major impact on the industry .
25 We 've never admitted involvement , neither has he , I want to know if it 's going to stay that way .
26 and it 's going to stay that way .
27 It 's purely a business one and it 's going to stay that way . ’
28 Well the problem as I see it is that you do n't know what the variety of this peach is , if it was bought out of greenhouse variety and is reasonably tender then I do n't think whatever you do with it in Preston it 's going to make any difference .
29 ‘ I just know it 's going to knock these Parisians dead ! ’
30 We do n't really think it 's going to change any of our lives .
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