Example sentences of "it had [vb pp] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since we 'd sat down it had gone from bright and shining to slaty grey and gusty , like a set for Wuthering Heights .
2 It diagnosed the main weaknesses in the schools it had inherited from earlier decades and set out its alternative vision , a Primary Needs Programme intended to meet children 's needs by transforming schools into exemplars of ‘ good primary practice ’ .
3 Keeling 's expulsion was particularly linked to a report in the Financial Times of June 27 , which claimed that Nigeria had already spent more than half the windfall earnings which it had received from higher oil prices during the Gulf crisis .
4 But as It celebrated a year of publication it had grown from twelve to twenty pages , with the ‘ What 's Happening ’ section now , significantly , filling two tightly set pages at the back , and the Arts Lab offering a ‘ Black Power Week ’ complete with Stokeley Carmichael — bundled out of the country post Dialectics of Liberation — on film , and ‘ Michael Abdul Malik and guests ’ .
5 However , as members of the Cambridge Board Committee , both the District Chairman and Secretary were fully apprised of the details of the new arrangements and , presumably , acquiesced in the explicit transfer of providing powers under Chapter III for One-Year and Terminal courses in rural areas so that the complete scheme in Bedfordshire could be maintained as it had developed from 1927 .
6 In 1988 a baby dolphin was found floating in the Bay , it had died from toxic hepatitis and its body was heavily contaminated with organochlorines .
7 Dr Stehelin said he worked for Dr Bishop and Dr Varmus in their San Francisco laboratory between 1972 and 1975 , and was the principal signer of the first article in the scientific magazine Nature , in 1976 , that said a cancer virus was causing cancer by means of a gene it had captured from normal cells .
8 Tailors in 1814 were very much on a level in terms of real wages with 1795 , but in the intervening years had been significantly down on that level in eight years , and very seriously below it in 1800 and 1801 when their weekly wage would buy only half the quantity of bread it had purchased from 1777 to 1795 .
9 The demonstrators held banners demanding both the secession of Georgia from the Soviet Union and the full integration of the Abkhazian republic , which had itself been seeking to secede from Georgia and to resume the union republican status it had enjoyed from 1921 until 1931 .
10 It claimed that Ms Oruene had failed to show she was treated less favourably than any other candidate and that there was not a shred of evidence to show that it had deviated from normal procedures .
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