Example sentences of "it can not [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This will also be the case where the shares are issued by a subsidiary incorporated in a jurisdiction where it can not avoid paying dividends or amounts in respect of redemption even if there are insufficient distributable profits , in which case funds would have to be provided by other group companies .
2 Nevertheless , the County Council believes it has gone as far as its possibly can to recognize and respond to the district 's problems , and that it can not justify moving any closer in reducing the gap between the recommended allocation of a hundred and thirty two hectares and the two hundred to two hundred and fifty hectares which are requested the District Council .
3 It is only when the United States persuades Israel that it can not continue to deny the choice of representative that the Palestinian people have made — however reprehensible that representative may seem — that any meaningful international dialogue towards peace can take place .
4 The current government must recognise that it can not continue to go down the line of an individualist anxiety- ridden state , of competitive individuals where the poor and disabled are left to starve on city streets .
5 In effect , however , it can not continue to exclude non-Arab states from the security arrangements it hopes to create .
6 Otherwise it can not hope to command the moral high ground .
7 While this necessarily brief look at the IDB support for export development will give an overview of the services we offer , it can not hope to provide a detailed catalogue of the full range of support schemes which are available .
8 Therefore , no matter how sensitive an annual report is , it can not hope to capture even five years ' economic activity .
9 Surely it can not expect to win sympathy for its cause .
10 The rejoinder must be : although we may generally have neither the time nor the inclination to look at literary language under the microscope in this way , the fact that it can be done is important , and the doing of it can not fail to sharpen observation , by making us aware of how larger effects are built up from smaller ones .
11 So , in a paper written to commemorate the life and work of Danny Lehrman , whose critical interest in ethology and psychiatry had been considerable , I argued pessimistically ( Crook 1977 a ) that an understanding of the primate behaviour I had been reviewing ‘ provides no more than a kind of educational backcloth — a reference literature for university courses on human evolution and that it can not begin to touch upon the existential issues that are the central focus of living human relations .
12 He also failed to protect his people : if anything is clear it is that , and it can not have increased his popularity .
13 It can not have done the YF-23 any good that it was unable to kick the AMRAAMs out of its weapons bay on demand .
14 It can not have done his concentration any good , for after the Greenidge-Haynes partnership and a knock from Richardson wickets fell rapidly , Richards being caught off Malcolm for just one .
15 Indeed it can not have done if he can lay his hands on enough fossils just in a single surface exposure erm to be able to erm measure the properties of populations , it 's clear there must have been millions of specimens of these beasts present at any one time in the lake .
16 It runs so near the ancient Banbury-Oxford road ( within a quarter of a mile in places ) that it can not have served as another through road .
17 ‘ Surely , ’ said Lefevre , ‘ it can not have escaped a man of your experience that some ladies are in the habit of dyeing their hair . ’
18 If you have read chapters 6 and 7 , it can not have escaped your notice that whereas research into the recognition and comprehension of single words has centred around detailed theories which attempt to provide a comprehensive description of all aspects of single word processing , research into the comprehension of sentences and discourse is much more fragmented .
19 It can not have cheered John Major that much , Oh no .
20 It can not have changed much in two hundred years and still , today , the tireless plume of woodsmoke wafts up from the chimney , proving that life goes on in much the same way as it always have done in this particular vicinity .
21 It can not have knocked him out of his wits for very long , had that been all .
22 It can not have helped him , but the restored democracy had treated the leaders of that attempt to destroy it with , if anything , excessive leniency .
23 It can not have come as a surprise when , in November 1990 , the ninth biggest US accounting firm , Laventhol & Howarth , had to seek Chapter 11 protection from its creditors , with the ensuing risk of personal bankruptcy for its partners .
24 He knows that the country now recognises that his party has been , is and always will be a party of high taxation , because it can not resist spending other people 's money .
25 Marx 's central contention is that the capitalist economy sows the seeds of its own destruction , that it can not help creating the forces that will destroy it as a product of its own internal contradictions .
26 When an international gardening show like ‘ Floriade 1992 ’ sets out to draw 3.5 million visitors in 182 days ( until 11 October ) , it can not afford to give much leeway to the free play of nature .
27 The Brazilian government , apparently unaware of the huge unrealised economic asset going up in flames across the Amazon , says it can not afford to preserve the rainforest because it needs economic development .
28 ( b ) The Government may be able to ignore the opposition but it can not afford to ignore its own supporters .
29 Switzerland is famously ‘ a country whose only raw material is brains ’ , and it can not afford to upset the chemical and pharmaceutical industries .
30 In such a case the firm may have to distribute through a middleman because it can not afford to employ a field sales force .
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