Example sentences of "it can be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er , to what extent the rift er , filled , I do n't think it can be wholly filled as a function of the recovery in er , the market for land .
2 Thus co-ordination is , in a sense , virtually always a derived relation or " para-relation " in that it can be theoretically discarded , provided only that one accepts multiple operation of the other relations .
3 This definition was used by Cohen to explain the response to youth in the 1950s and 1960s but it can be similarly applied to moral crises in the more distant past — one may refer by way of example , to the nexus of fears generated by the French Revolution , which significantly shaped the contours of ‘ Victorian ’ sexuality , or the anxieties which produced the legislative restructuring of the 1880s and 1900s , or the fears generated by the cold war in the 1950s .
4 It does , however , present a number of operational difficulties that require basic research before it can be widely used .
5 If this did in fact happen , it can be plausibly explained by the anxiety of lay landowners to provide for their families and by their inability to browse on retirement in clerical pastures .
6 It can be plausibly claimed that , like so and many other words , well has no semantic content , only pragmatic specifications for usage .
7 Whole group drama , however , is not a type of drama , but an organisational strategy ; as with any strategy it can be well used or misused .
8 If you buy a metal arch , look for one that is sturdy , with joints with do n't pull apart easily , and make sure it can be well anchored into the ground .
9 Will my hon. Friend make sure that he or his officials contact the office of Commissioner Millan today and demand that the money be freed so that it can be well spent in areas such as the one that I represent ?
10 The imponderables of the race make it what it is , a graveyard for favourites for a start , and if Old Applejack goes to the line at 50–1 it can be persuasively argued that he is a better bet than Cool Ground at 6–1 .
11 Even if one agrees with Aristotle that true equality consists in treating unequals unequally , this merely raises the apparently insoluble question of how it can be practically achieved .
12 My understanding of shareware is that it can be freely distributed but requires registration by the user for a clear conscience .
13 Of course , the message will only make sense if it can be successfully decompressed when it reaches the user .
14 The one illustrated is by First Alert : like most types it can be simply screwed into a ceiling .
15 It can be simply introduced , either by supplementary licensing , with a daily charge to drive in certain areas or by applying more sophisticated under-street and on-vehicle technology that would allow ‘ fine-tuning ’ of the charge according to the need to reduce traffic in particular areas prone to jams or at particularly congested times of day .
16 The building owner must establish whether the structure will provide an acceptable period of fire resistance in its unmodified state or if it can be simply modified to meet mandatory requirements .
17 That is essential to be sure that it can be properly monitored and dealt with . ’
18 They 've had er enormous difficulties and er the honourable gentleman will er know that the South Wales police authority committee , its officers and its Chief Constable have er visited parliament er to put their case to members representing the South Wales police authority area and indeed to er Earl Ferrers the minister er responsible for the police and they certainly have n't had any er criticism made of them by his own government and if er he believes that there is a criticism I would suggest that he takes a leaf out of the book of his er , his right honourable friend the Secretary of State and refers the matter so that it can be properly audited and er I think the honourable gentleman knows that when that is done he will see that there is no blame attached whatsoever to the members or the officers of the police authority .
19 The death threats he received in London do n't point to it , but if you have any other reason for believing that theory I must ask you to reveal it so that it can be properly investigated . ’
20 However , until it can be properly established how this striking image came into being , the mystery will not be completely solved .
21 Loess is a clay that is easily cut and holds its shape ; it can be incredibly accommodating as a building material .
22 It can be confidently stated that every experience and activity in the primary school uses language but also serves to develop it .
23 Rather than match China 's firmness , it can be confidently predicted , the Hong Kong authorities will follow past form , cease muttering about their shock and horror over Tiananmen , and return to bland assurances that the negotiations with Peking about a post-1997 ‘ Basic Law ’ for Hong Kong are going well .
24 However , it can be confidently predicted that no organisational change will lessen the need for improved interprofessional and interpersonal interactions in the provision of formal care .
25 The House of Lords has stated that Liversidge need no longer haunt the law , and it can be confidently predicted that the more natural objective meaning will henceforth be ascribed to such words .
26 The hole should be scoured for any sharp objects likely to puncture the liner , for it should be remembered that , once water is added , the pressure of the liner against the walls and floors of the pool , and consequently against any sharp stone or twig , is such that it can be ultimately forced through the liner .
27 You look for ways to ensure that either it can be regularly dealt with by someone else or at least that it should reach you partly or virtually completed .
28 If the food-crisis peaks of 1795 , 1800 – 1 and 1812 – 13 are disregarded — for it can be firmly concluded that in those years , as in 1739 – 40 and 1766 – 7 , the living standards of wage-earners must have been substantially , though temporarily , reduced — then the general real-wage trend of the war years suggests no marked movement either way .
29 Once the room has been emptied it can be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected or fumigated .
30 " The whole thing 's a farce , of course , they 've known and loathed each other for years , but the official version of this world-shaking meeting of titans has to take place in public where it can be duly recorded — and one of us must be there , and why should it be me on a Sunday morning when I 've got an angelic assistant ?
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