Example sentences of "it can [adv] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It can either lead us into bitterness and despair , or it can drive us towards greater sensitivity and responsibility and a deepening love for God and for others .
2 Britain should either unite its allies or talk — it can not leave its hostages undefended by standing alone . ’
3 However , if the dividend is to be effectively delivered , it can not leave us vulnerable to the many other surprises hiding around the corner .
4 for the animal in its mud burrow , valuable time will be lost if it can not prepare itself for foraging until after the tide has left the shore .
5 It can not decide anything whatever .
6 By reacting in this way , Jane is able to stand back from the situation and it can not hurt her as it used to do .
7 But the role of the state is limited or conditional , since the dominant class will cease using it if it can not manage their interests .
8 Held in the way described , it can not move its front legs and that means that it is unable to scratch you even should it want to .
9 If one end of the comb is higher than the other , it can not do its job of pulling down evenly on the stitches .
10 In order to guarantee the Council 's legal responsibilities ; to preserve the public 's access to information ; and to preserve the clear channels of communication and a smooth exchange of information without which it can not do its business , local authorities need to give very close attention to who is responsible for the electronic information bases of the departments that are going through the process of white-collar CCT .
11 One is that it is n't all just a question of the Scottish hierarchy being thralled to Rome in such a way that it can not do what it wants .
12 If the government is locked into a policy of expanding the money supply at some pre-announced rate it can not do anything about this possibly severe recession .
13 In studying Epicurus , Gassendi found confirmation for the embryonic idea of the Exercises , that sense-experience might give us something worthwhile and valuable even though it can not give us knowledge of necessary causes and of the natures of things .
14 Choice is hated by the Labour party because it can not control what parents and children want if choice is offered .
15 But it can not treat gender as a theoretical or methodological category , that might structure its own tools and methods of inquiry , and so it can not examine its own discourse for masculine bias .
16 Surprise ( in the sense studied in Baillargeon 's experiment — passive capture of visual attention ) is not an action so it can not tell us about central system function .
17 It can not tell us about the meaning of the term ‘ popular music ’ , since that meaning , ideologically replete , has been pushed outside the frame of reference .
18 That proof showed that general relativity is only an incomplete theory : it can not tell us how the universe started off , because it predicts that all physical theories , including itself , break down at the beginning of the universe .
19 It can not tell us how wide a managerial layer should be , what the difference in responsibility should be between a manager and a subordinate , or , most important , where the break should come between one managerial layer and another .
20 This biography is not merely content to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Dickens ( interesting fact : Dickens spoke with a slight ‘ metallic burr ’ in his voice ) ; nor does it stop at telling you everything you never wanted to know about Dickens ( uninteresting fact : there were white Christmases for the first eight years of Dickens ' life ) ; it goes so far , as with that unidentified novel , as to let you know when it can not tell you something .
21 It can not change your environment , though , and you must decide what is most important to you .
22 It can not change anyone because it fails to question its status as art and , therefore , its institutional presumptions and presuppositions ’ .
23 ( a ) Once a shareholder has incurred a debt or liability to the company , it has an equitable charge on the shares of that shareholder to secure payment which ranks in priority to later equitable interests and , it seems to earlier ones of which the company had no notice when its lien became effective ; and ( b ) in determining whether the company had notice , section 360 has no application ; if the company knows of the earlier equitable interest ( because , for example , a transfer of the shares has been lodged for registration even if that is refused ) it can not improve its own position to the detriment of the holder of that known equitable interest .
24 It can not make me change my mind , so if you intend using it use it and shoot me now .
25 It can not make you younger . ’
26 A cat has no concept of its own death and so it can not anticipate it , no matter how ill it feels .
27 Now we need to talk a little bit about what happens when the veins or the arteries or the capillaries for that matter , the veins , the arteries or the capillaries have a leak in them , they become broken , now you already know that the circulatory system is a closed system and that the blood can only do its job if it 's being transported within that system , once the blood comes outside of that system then it 's lost the circulation and it can not perform its proper function any more , in other words the body 's losing its blood , okay , what condition do we call it when the circulatory system stops working properly ?
28 While the firm would not be compelled to disclose or utilise the information about B when advising A , the fact that it owes a duty of confidentiality to B will not necessarily constitute a defence to a breach of its duty of disclosure to A. If the firm is to be fully protected it must obtain A2 's consent to its acting in the conflict situation after informing him of its conflicting duties and the fact that it can not perform its full duties of disclosure .
29 Sir Denis is very popular at Walworth Road , the Labour Party HQ , even though it can not spell his name correctly .
30 A descriptive expression , it is argued , may help fix the reference of a name via some contingent characteristic of the object in question ( as is the case with " the author of Macbeth " ) , but it can not provide its " definition " .
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