Example sentences of "it can [be] seen [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It can be seen after only one match the value of scoring tries against scoring penalties or drop-goals .
2 However , when these figures are broken down , it can be seen that certain groups , such as single women over 75 , are less likely to have an occupational pension , and , if they do , the average amount is less .
3 It can be seen that the physician or doctor will have to bear both factors in mind when deciding if the time when a drug is to be taken is important ( see also Chapter 14 ) .
4 It can be seen that this very advantage now becomes disadvantageous after a time-zone transition when an adjustment of our body to new local time is required .
5 Thus it can be seen that there is a clear relationship between the depth of each habitable room which is confined to the width of a church 's nave arcade bay and the usable area of the related existing window in the side wall .
6 It can be seen that by piecemeal legislation great strides have been made towards equality between the sexes as regards legal status , rights and liabilities .
7 It can be seen that there is a wide variation , especially where the number of dies in a year is small .
8 In retrospect it can be seen that the most fatal blunder of the campaign was John Smith 's Budget — proclaimed at the time as ‘ an unparalleled act of honesty by any opposition party going into an election ’ .
9 It can be seen that , as the point of decision making moves more and more into the information side of the system , the significance of in-built values and assumptions expands considerably and the qualitative nature of those assumptions also changes .
10 In summary , it can be seen that there are a number of functional processes which are concerned with obtaining and distributing resources efficiently .
11 However , reflecting back on Hofstede 's definition of a budget system as enabling management more effectively to plan , co-ordinate , control and evaluate the activities of an organisation , it can be seen that there are a number of significant management elements in the budgetary process as well .
12 As such it can be seen that this is not a zero-based allocation system or a total formula-based system .
13 Therefore , it can be seen that the application of the rational and political framework is a valuable way of identifying the underlying approach to budgeting in a school .
14 It can be seen that continued administration of the remedy once the disease disturbance has been overcome will result in the presence of an energy pattern of the remedy itself i.e. a proving .
15 Yet it can be seen that the provision of residential care , in particular short term care , is vital to the future of our mentally handicapped community .
16 So it can be seen that what was originally a technical question of the definition of tolerable rates of soil loss is a crucial , and deeply ideological one , and therefore not amenable to the cut-and-dried standards of proof on empirical grounds .
17 It can be seen that this was essentially the plan put forward by Stirling in his original submission for the attack .
18 From this recital of the general and specific duties of the doctor , it can be seen that the law in England , if understood and followed , is sensitive to the needs of patient and doctor alike .
19 But gradually the pattern emerges and it can be seen that the cells ' filopodia attach best in the ring region .
20 Returning to the sea-urchin embryo , it can be seen that the animal-vegetal differences could be used to establish the boundary regions , that is , which end is to be which .
21 Once it is realized that signals that change cells ' behaviour do not really carry intricate information , then it can be seen that any complexity of behaviour lies in the cells ' capacity to respond rather than in complexity in the signals .
22 From the second column of the table it can be seen that in 1977–8 , before the crisis year of 1979 , the money supply was growing faster than the cost of living .
23 When the increases in the money supply are expressed as percentages of adjusted social product , it can be seen that between 1977 and 1985 the government normally took about 6–7 per cent of the social product for extra-budgetary purposes ( 1983 was the major exception ) .
24 It can be seen that when the bookseller allows a library its full 10% on these titles , his profit will be that much smaller .
25 On the contrary , it can be seen that the standard of generalist work is raised through the training , enthusiasm and knowledge of the specialists and so is a cost-effective method of raising standards within the CAB .
26 It can be seen that the only disappointment in our achieved samples was the comparatively small size of the control sample in Ipswich .
27 It can be seen that data were collected at referral for all those who agreed initially to take part in the project .
28 It can be seen that in only two cases was the expense of providing support worker help their main reason , but in other cases , too , such a reason was implicit .
29 From the above description it can be seen that the endothelial cell has many important properties and endothelial damage is proposed as the initial event in the ‘ response to injury ’ hypothesis .
30 It can be seen that the raw material of creativity has a diverse background of information ; in Coleridge 's case he was an avid reader of all the explorations that were the rage at that time .
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