Example sentences of "it will [adv] [be] seen " in BNC.

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1 These individuals can then form the basis of a directorate with a positive desire and will to co-ordinate since it will clearly be seen as a way of enhancing their effectiveness .
2 But , as with any archaeological object , such interpretations can be made only when we have a secure idea of when and where a coin was made , and the methods of dating coins and attributing them to mints is therefore discussed first in Chapter 2 , where it will also be seen that the same techniques for dating and attributing coins can sometimes be turned round , using coins to date other objects or to identify places .
3 Organised by Philip Conisbee of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art , it will also be seen in Los Angeles ( opening in spring 1995 ) and a second American venue currently under discussion .
4 It will thus be seen that the Party is in favour of Electoral Reform being dealt with on a sound basis , but at the proper time .
5 Because Aniff Cousins and Colin Thorpe are both graduates of DJ Colin Curtis ' legendary Manchester jazz/dance club Berlin , and because the songs on the album are fundamentally rhythmic , it will probably be seen as a dance record .
6 It will therefore be seen that many of the issues involved here are similar to those raised by the law of involuntary manslaughter , save for the fact that driving offences constitute deviations from a code of conduct on which all persons are tested before they are granted driving-licences .
7 It will now be seen that the escarpment is the abrupt end of a large plateau culminating in Wild Boar Fell .
8 This , it will now be seen , can be justified not only by necessary limitations of space , but by the advantage that can be gained in many respects from sacrificing generality in favour of contextual particularity .
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