Example sentences of "it was [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the splitting there has occurred some penetration of very thin plates of bone such as occur on the scapula ( Fig. 1.4N ) and some breakage of the borders of such bone ( the scapula illustrated here was not modified in any way before it was exposed for weathering ) .
2 It was explained in Chapter 7 that in certain contexts no is pronounced , but the theory mentioned in the last sentence would claim that at an abstract level there is a phoneme , though in certain contexts the is not actually pronounced .
3 It was popularised on television in the 1950s by David Butler , a 26-year-old Oxford researcher .
4 Contrast enhanced computed tomography ( n=29 ) , or operation ( n=15 ) , or both confirmed the diagnosis in 32 patients and it was confirmed by ultrasound scan in the remaining four patients .
5 It was confirmed by Justice Minister Ghazi Obeid as Sammar , who said that all other sentences handed down by martial law courts would be upheld .
6 Following municipal law agency principles a third party could claim that it was bound with respect to the protectorate provided the agent had acted within the scope of its express , implied , or apparent authority .
7 Every time it lifted its head and pirouetted , it registered the new direction it was taking in relation to the sun .
8 It was getting on top of me . ’
9 It was getting near time for communion .
10 It was getting near Christmas and we were both under pressure to get orders completed .
11 It was hidden under matting in the octagonal library above the Chapter house and seems to have escaped the notice of all previous surveyors and writers including Nikolaus Pevsner , who mentions the library in his guidebook but not its flooring .
12 The US state of Hawaii suffered severe damage on Sept. 11 when it was struck by Hurricane Iniki , the strongest to have hit the Hawaiian islands during the 20th century .
13 The railways had done it to the canals and now it was to happen in turn to the railways .
14 On that occasion , he criticized the existing monetary system , the so-called gold exchange standard , on the grounds that it was skewed in favour of the United States .
15 And when this happy moment arrived , it was crowned with legitimacy , because like many tribal societies the public school was a gerontocracy-an important fact obscured more often than not in the literature by concentration on the oligarchic aspect of the power exercised by favoured groups of senior boys : prefects , athletes , bloods , in slightly differing proportions according to the slightly differing character of the individual schools , but all essentially distinguished by seniority .
16 If it was Jack Stone , then if he wanted Doyle 's private number it was to ask for help .
17 The police say that there is no suggestion that it was the result of terrorism ; the belief rather is that it was caused by building works being carried out as part of the routine modernisation of the royal residences .
18 I 'm sure most of it was caused by temper .
19 The official report into the accident which killed David Kay and his wife Margaret says it was caused by pilot error .
20 The official report into the accident says it was caused by pilot error .
21 Apparently it was caused by dust getting in .
22 ( N7001U was wrongly called a ‘ 737 ’ in the November FlyPast when it was illustrated in colour ! )
23 It was tinged with panic too for finally he could only babble again and again how sorry he was .
24 ‘ Yeah , ’ he said again , only this time it was tinged with wariness .
25 His voice moved up a register , from baritone to tenor , and it was tinged with irritation for the first time that evening .
26 If it had n't been Mario , you 'd have thought it was schmaltz ; with Mario , it was peppered with self-irony , with seriousness , punctuated with laughter , with suddenly remembered incidents .
27 Now , it would probably be regarded as good , but then it was seen as indiscipline . ’
28 The decision followed an announcement that the Danish team in the Winter Olympics would be wearing Greenland sealskin jackets , and it was seen in part as representing an effort to avoid any potential disruption of the games by Greenpeace demonstrators .
29 Although stool collection in their study was only carried out for 24–48 hours , it was done at home .
30 Where a statutory authority is under a mandatory obligation to supply a service , whether with a saving or nuisance clause ( that nothing shall exonerate it from proceedings for nuisance ) or whether without such a clause , the authority is under no liability for anything expressly required by statute to be done , or reasonably incidental to that requirement , if it was done without negligence .
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