Example sentences of "it is [adj] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is salutary to bear this in mind .
2 It is salutary to recall that , as Europe 's main offshore islands , the British Isles were historically often the last to benefit from the diffusion of innovative ideas in Europe .
3 Since both f and g decrease from ½ towards -½ in the interaction region , it is appropriate to divide this region into the subregions A and B in which the product fg is positive and negative respectively as indicated in Figure 10.4 .
4 If ethical considerations are such that it is appropriate to include this in the engagement letter , the following wording may be appropriate :
5 Firstly , it is appropriate to examine some broad themes from the commercial — industrial fields and secondly it is proposed to specify a series of inter-related questions which , taken together , will determine our approach to the location and thus the nature of education management .
6 However , if it is appropriate to make any sort of residence order , under section 11(7) : ‘ A section 8 order [ which includes a residence order ] may — ( a ) contain directions about how it is to be carried into effect ; …
7 For these reasons , it is appropriate to address these areas specifically in this section .
8 Therefore , it is appropriate to insert such safeguarding words as : So long as the buyer shall remain in possession of the lease and shall not have assigned the same .
9 Through trial and error they learn how and where it is appropriate to express such feelings and when they will be effective .
10 It is appropriate to recall that Elementary Matrices ( 1938 ) was printed nine times in U.K. , several times in U.S.A. , was translated into Russian and Czech , and finally republished in hardback in U.S.A. in 1983 .
11 At this point it is appropriate to note that gender , as an organizing principle of the school structure and of wider social relations , varies considerably in the strength of its ‘ framing power ’ .
12 However , although we believe that a reform along these lines does offer the best way forward , it is appropriate to note some of the possible drawbacks .
13 It is good to see more and more cyclists in Scotland and an increasing number of cycling groups on the main roads and in cities .
14 It is good to report that branch membership has increased by 46% over the last four years .
15 Now that we are both too decrepit to walk far , it is good to remember those family walks .
16 So it is good to have these idiomatic recordings to remind us of just how good a pianist he was : in both the Concerto and the Rhapsody , rock-solid technique serves real musicality , and this CD would be worth acquiring on the strength of the Gershwin works alone .
17 It is good to have these warm-hearted American performances , very well recorded , of four of Malcolm Arnold 's most attractive earlier works , each in his favourite form of three compact movements .
18 For a number of years now Berman has been almost as elusive as before his ‘ breakthrough ’ in the mid-1970s , and it is good to hear such a distinctive pianist now resuming activity .
19 It is prudent to discuss this also with the appropriate Divisional Officer .
20 It is prudent to check each company 's rules before you commit yourself ‘ These contracts have only just started in Britain and so far people have treated them cautiously , ’ says Peter Hargreaves of adviser Hargreaves Lansdowne .
21 Because of the possible multiplicity of targets for change , it is deceptive to consider this process problem- solving .
22 Even so , barbel hooked in open water can tax tackle to the limit and it is foolhardy to take any chances with them .
23 A second objection that will be brought is that it is odd to treat another as a rational being , in the Kantian sense , in erotic relations , of all places .
24 It is cynical to suppose that , far from ‘ designing ’ its gp160 to be denatured , MicroGeneSys has rewritten history and grasped the concept of vaccine immunotherapy as a way to exploit their denatured product ?
25 It is essential to assure that information about its meaning , form , format , medium , mode , content , context , usage , and even how it was originally distributed in society is retained .
26 If , as Goldstein and Cuttance ( 1988 ) assert , the best single indicator of a pupil 's future success in examinations is her/his ability at intake , it is essential to do this if exam results are to be used to compare schools .
27 It is essential to do this while the interview is still fresh in your mind and before you see someone else who will inevitably erase what you remember of the previous applicant .
28 It is essential to remember this .
29 To be genuinely useful , it is essential to include some reference to the number of elements involved in any one ‘ object ’ described as a single item .
30 Now that anyone can buy speaking toys , such as Texas Instruments 's ‘ Speak 'n Spell ’ , it is essential to include some reference to talking computers in any undergraduate course .
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