Example sentences of "it may [be] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 There are many reasons why it may be regarded as helpful to gather information about a child 's language , and the uses to which any formal assessment results may be put will influence decisions about how assessments can best be carried out .
2 ‘ Having regard to the terms of the contract , the conduct of the parties and the circumstances of the case , I have no doubt that the property was not intended to pass in this case on contract but only in exchange for a valid building society cheque , but even if it may be regarded as intended to pass in exchange for a false , but believed genuine , building society cheque it will not in my view avail the insurers . ’
3 If this is successful it may be run as described above .
4 It may be seen as expressing the personality of the author , in accordance with the famous formula of the French scholar Buffon ( 1978 : xvii ) , that the style is the man ( ‘ le style est l'homme même ’ ) ; or it may be related to a literary movement or period ( e.g. futurist style , baroque style ) .
5 So if a premium is paid before 6 April 1993 , it may be treated as having been paid during 1990/91 .
6 This subsection is expressed to apply only in certain defined circumstances , but it is , I think , common ground that it may be treated as having general application .
7 It may be based as Connelly v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1964 ] A.C. 1254 itself was , on the allegation that the defendant is being prosecuted more than once for what is in effect the same offence .
8 The speechreader may grasp the meaning quickly but it may be received as bare fact , unadorned and unsoftened by excuses , explanations or reasons .
9 In broad terms it may be stated as being whether an original tenant under a lease containing a rent review clause is bound by privity of contract to pay the landlord for the time being of the premises a rent agreed or otherwise determined with a subsequent assignee of the term .
10 It may be defined as follows , where rf and r i are the risk-free rate of return and the required rate of return for the security ( for example , determined by Eq .
11 The Man of Law 's " " I speke in prose " " need not be a description of the tale he is about to tell — it may be read as equivalent to " my speech is ( normally ) prosaic " — but several critics have looked for a prose work of Chaucer 's which could be identified as the once-intended tale of the Man of Law .
12 The overall picture presented in his article is a little less clear than it might be , if only because of the multiplicity of interesting observations ( fortunately Bolinger provides us with copious examples ) but it may be summarized as follows : ( a ) Adjectives may qualify either the referent of a noun or its sense without simultaneously applying to the other .
13 It is not directed , and the weight on it may be denoted as either wij or wji .
14 But , even when we have made allowance for the exaggerated impressions of a boy of fifteen , recollected many years later , it may be taken as evidence that Lanfranc and his handful of monks from Bec and Caen met not only with hostility , but also with a good deal of successful resistance .
15 Although suicide is not , in itself , a psychiatric illness it may be taken as suggestive of impaired mental health .
16 It may be taken as fact that during the late fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries a number of joint muderris/muftiliks came into existence in the provinces .
17 In its simplest form , it may be described as denoting the emotional and attitudinal environment within which a political system operates .
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