Example sentences of "it also [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the textual sprawl of today 's average ‘ quality ’ newspaper ultimately represents less than the sum of its sections , then it also represents in a more immediate sense the collapse of what Neville Wakefield has recently described as ‘ a world in which information can still be organised and evaluated and hierarchised according to rigid structures of meaning ’ The new generation of ‘ top people 's papers wear their manifold contradictions firmly on their sleeves .
2 Most of what we know about echolocation comes from bats ( and human instruments ) , but it also occurs in a number of other unrelated groups of animals .
3 It also occurs in the context of political protest .
4 It also occurs in the Ballantrae ophiolite ( Stone and others , 1986 ) and in layered Tertiary ultrabasic rocks on Rhum off the west coast of Scotland .
5 It also differs from the " layer cake " approach in not visualising layers which are parallel in both space and time .
6 Though our passive acceptance of causal logic and narrative clichés is the novel 's main target , it also plays with the related theme of linguistic laziness .
7 It also helps with the image of the school library in that the school librarian is seen to be using new technology to improve the efficiency of the school library .
8 Whether the children board or not , it also falls upon the parents themselves to perpetuate this educational process , and ideally there should be close contact between all parties concerned .
9 It also brought into the case a famous Bow Street Runner , Jack Clarke .
10 Compared to the influence of personal partisan prejudice the influence of the media on economic perceptions was small but it also increased towards the end of the campaign , especially amongst Labour readers of right-wing papers .
11 It also resulted from the sense of injustice , that women fared even worse than men in employment and domestic life .
12 The numbers of elderly people were considerably overestimated in London during the late 1970s : this led to an understatement of the SMRs , with consequent loss of health resources ; it also resulted in a relative over-allocation for personal social services .
13 It also resulted in a boycott of the legislature by the PPD between July and November [ see pp. 37609 ; 37714 ; 37779 ; 37860 ] .
14 It also resulted in the interest in the potential of the Macintosh extending beyond the production area to design and editorial staff where it developed into passionate enthusiasm .
15 Not only did the First World War produce a major crisis of authority for the old order , but it also resulted in the harnessing by the State , on an unprecedented scale , of the power and resources of the nation towards the war effort .
16 This timespan has significant consequences for the construction of genealogies ; it also resulted in an emphasis on genealogically restricted history .
17 The project of integration with which Brooke-Rose began provided sufficient material for ‘ four average , competent novels ’ ( Brooke-Rose 1977a:134 ) , but it also led to a frustration with available formal strategies which prepared the way for the radical change in direction her oeuvre was to take with Out in 1964 .
18 It also led to a marked inflation of the number of high-ranking officers .
19 It also led to a fundamental questioning of the whole basis of the Keynesian model of which , since 1958 , the Phillips curve had come to be regarded as an indispensable part .
20 It also led to a confusion between those buildings with a social or civic importance , and those without .
21 It also led to the setting up of the 1992 tournament in Italy .
22 As a detectorist I now know that it also led to the loss of Civil War coins , militaria and other relics in the vicinities of sieges .
23 It also led to the creation of a lopsided system in line with the structure of medical priorities and values .
24 It also led to an investigation of whether anything said in that review had been noticed by the author .
25 facilitator Sandra Wootton said : ‘ Not only was the process time consuming , it also led to an unhealthy creation of excess dust and posed the possible hazard of a band snapping . ’
26 Dicey argued , not only that belief in the inherent excellence of federalism was a ‘ delusion ’ , but that it also ran against the grain of English history :
27 We had chosen our visit to coincide with the full moon , but it also coincided with a period of maximum solar flare activity , and on every clear night the Lights treated us to a spectacular show in green and red .
28 It also coincided with the rise and consolidation of the labour movement in Britain ; and that is a story from which women were for many years absent or in which they featured very much as a minority .
29 Mellor 's office in life may have been the big attraction , but it also got in the way of a good time .
30 Strangely , it also sliced through the air of unreality which had been preventing Vologsky from facing the real issues .
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