Example sentences of "it up [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 and a fiver , no , he must of put a bet on , borrowed the paper and borrowed the money to put the bet on same day dry cleaning service , you can pick it up at two minutes to midnight madam
2 they snapped it up at that price that his er sold and then they could n't pay er when , when the time came , you know the everything went off , so they sold it and bought something else and they 've made a lot of money on that so they 've paid it off and have er a lot of money on the house
3 Get a , get a twelve volt car bulb and start it up at twelve volts and wind the voltage up .
4 and so land reform was no longer seen as a means to achieve their end that they that and that it was n't the best policy to consolidate power , it was you needed to have the mass support there first so that 's why land reform was no longer seen as their goal so they did n't take it up at this point when one would expect them to pursue it .
5 No , you said would I bring it up at this meeting .
6 All these people have discovered a passion for one of the most popular recreational sports , sailing , and as you can see , you can take it up at any age .
7 I have often reflected that if the founders , Dorothy and Leonard Elmhirst , had behaved like any other rural landowners , living it up through judicious stock-market investments , no one would have raised an eyebrow .
8 So if our mum had cut it up into twelve pieces and then only three people wanted pizza so she cut it up into twelve twelfths and then said who wants pizza and only three people wanted pizza she 'd now have to put some of these twelfths back together again then and just three of us how many twelfths would we get ?
9 Thinking is a capacity to refer at will , whose nature is made more mysterious if we try to chop it up into mental episodes with particular epistemic content or causal power .
10 A large spreadsheet can be made much easier to work with by breaking it up into logical pieces on several pages of a notebook .
11 He decided to destroy his brother 's body permanently and therefore cut it up into fourteen pieces , which he distributed far and wide throughout Egypt .
12 It 's probably full of abbreviations and emendations because you 've had to rush to get it all down , so take it home and write it up into recognisable dialogue .
13 Rather than analysing society in terms of one kind of component , Althusser claims that Marx breaks it up into related units called , in Althusserean parlance , ‘ practices ’ .
14 Well er if it 's a messy one , the first thing to do with it , is to split it up into little bits .
15 Oh no , it 's like , it 's like with chocolate as well , I cut it up into little pieces , because I ca n't eat it all at once .
16 Her gown had a train which brushed the floor , and she waited while the woman following her looped it up into neat folds and attached them to the fastening at her wrist .
17 And what we 've got N here we 've selected as three and so we 've broken it up into three tuples because another rule in the method even though it can be broken is that each pixel can only go into one tuple .
18 Now let's say let's say your mum came in and she said how many for this pizza and we said oh just the three of us and she cut it cut it up into three pieces three pieces all the same size .
19 Cork tiles are made by compressing the bark of the cork tree into a block , and then slicing it up into thin layers .
20 King Edward bent to pick it up amid suggestive laughter , declaring ‘ shame on him who thinks evil of it ’ , and prophesying that he would make it the most sought-after badge of honour in Britain .
21 ‘ They are both gentle and kind , and are not capable of doing something like this , let alone covering it up with such success .
22 Fill it up with small pieces of wood , the drier the better , hardwood about the size of your fist .
23 ‘ I 'll take it up with higher authority , if that 's what you want , ’ said the American nervously .
24 Somehow I must have missed the original LPs ( or perhaps they were never released this side of the Atlantic ) , but here are Jean-Pierre Rampal , Isaac Stern , Yo-Yo Ma mixing it up with Japanese instrumentalists , playing traditional oriental music alongside pieces by Yamada , Miyagi , and Yoshizawa , amongst others .
25 ‘ The moment you go from the rigid and valuable discipline of German bank and people to mixing it up with other disciplines , other views , other ‘ let's have a bit of inflation here and there ’ economies , you lose the very thing which leads you to want to join . ’
26 ‘ The moment you go from the rigid and valuable discipline of German bank and people to mixing it up with other disciplines , other views , other ‘ let's have a bit of inflation here and there ’ economies , you lose the very thing which leads you to want to join . ’
27 Erm , well , what you did , when you talked about that , and then erm , linked it up with Freudian insights into the unconscious .
28 I put four teabags in there fill it up with boiling water right ?
29 Then probably , if the weather was fine the next day or two , we would go and drag-rake it up with another horse in a drag-rake ; and then rake it all up and put it on the cock .
30 However , the participants of the Geneva conference recognised the incomplete nature of their work and they hoped to follow it up with another conference .
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