Example sentences of "it can [adv] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This seemed to us to have a very high priority but it ca n't continue to have a high priority if we 're pushing against a closed door .
2 ( It is of course necessary to ascertain that ‘ can sing ’ is not an excluded trait of dog ; the fact that It 's a dog does not entail It ca n't sing confirms this . )
3 It ca n't hurt to ask . ’
4 It ca n't hurt to tell . ’
5 I can literally push the bird out of the tree into a net or a box so I can take it home , because it ca n't see to fly off in the dark .
6 as if that solves everything , as if to hate something means it ca n't have affected you .
7 It ca n't have pleased the sponsors and the whole affair overshadowed an excellent win by St Helens — who are going to push Wigan all the way this season .
8 ‘ Mind you , it ca n't have helped working all this time for Ricky France-Lynch .
9 Now , I admit that it ca n't be , it ca n't have come about in the way that Freud says .
10 ‘ So what did you do after that — it ca n't have taken you all day ? ’
11 But it ca n't have happened .
12 when I wanted some help or who to invite to meetings but because I have n't got a reply from everyone or most people , it ca n't work does it ?
13 It ca n't imagine going below the $5,000 mark , however .
14 But the Trust claims it ca n't afford to carry out her wishes , and after an all-day meeting with proespective buyers at Townsends Solicitors in Swindon , it announced tonight that the manor has been sold .
15 The county council says it ca n't afford to upgrade them .
16 It 's all because they ca n't cross from one platform to another … and British Rail says it ca n't afford to help them .
17 While British Rail says it ca n't afford to help disabled travellers at Leominster , it has come up with the cash to improve a commuter line that 's been plagued with delays and breakdowns .
18 But the local council says it ca n't afford to help him .
19 But it ca n't afford to build a new footbridge with ramps at Leominster .
20 The local council says it ca n't afford to run them , but objectors say the libraries are an important part of their community .
21 But Thamesdown Council say it 'll cost too much to put up gates and fences to keep the dogs out and it ca n't afford to pay the legal cost of bringing in a by law .
22 It ca n't afford to expend too much energy on a prey it 's not certain of catching .
23 But the other quarter — the professional bit — is so relieved to see the end of that ghastly place that it ca n't help rejoicing in a perverse sort of way . ’
24 You 're in the mood for a long spell at the crease , but the penis decides that it ca n't wait to get the game over and done with before heading back to the pavilion to put its feet up on the couch .
25 Whilst regular vacuuming removes surface dirt , crumbs and dust , it ca n't get rid of the ground dirt .
26 Then he read somewhere that heavy sweating is how the body expels poisons it ca n't get rid of in any other way .
27 It can probably spot moving targets , and give their speed and direction .
28 It can either refuse to comment on the possibility of a move until some concrete decisions have been taken as to where the company will relocate to and when the move will occur or it can adopt a more open style and keep the staff or union representatives in the picture about developments taking place within the relocation programme .
29 In a world of potentially conflicting beliefs it can thus help to extract the sting from many otherwise nasty situations of conflict and tension .
30 This will also be the case where the shares are issued by a subsidiary incorporated in a jurisdiction where it can not avoid paying dividends or amounts in respect of redemption even if there are insufficient distributable profits , in which case funds would have to be provided by other group companies .
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