Example sentences of "it have in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Inflation will come down through the use of high interest rates , as it has in the past .
2 Actually , once the fund has footed a bill , it has in the past successfully pursued a polluter through the courts .
3 Against the rest of the sector and the market , that looks a good deal less attractive than it has in the past .
4 It has in the past been notorious that a pupil in an English school , having learned French for seven years , and having even passed at grade A at A level , may yet be unable to utter more than a few halting sentences , and be hardly able to follow a simple conversation with a native speaker .
5 Prior approval is not required ( except in SSSIs and National Parks in the UK , but then not from the Agriculture Department ) and in assessing schemes financially , MAFF has disregarded the fact that it has in the past contributed 50–70% of the scheme 's cost and that a high proportion of the profit to be earned is public money in the form of HLCAs .
6 It is extremely unlikely that there will be any difficulty — at a general election the returns to the writs will have identified the winners and , nowadays , the oath is unlikely to present any problems , although it has in the past .
7 If the sport grows over the next 10 years as quickly as it has in the past five , I could make a lot of money . ’
8 These considerations hold out some hope that , while the problem of maintaining lead times will remain serious , it will remain a manageable problem , much as it has in the past .
9 Without the ERM , countries could competitively devalue their currencies : that would prove as inflationary in future as it has in the past , and it would give rise to the sort of trade frictions that plague the relationship between America and Japan , or worse .
10 Actually , it has in the past . ’
11 But it can hardly be argued that either carbonate or coal measure deposition is going on around the world today in anything like the way it has in the past .
12 It has in the past happened that a client has been advised by the agent to amend an order , has entirely agreed with that advice , but has at the same time pointed out that his authority does not extend to giving a final decision , and this can be awkward .
13 While it may be exaggerating to say that the Scottish Office is anti-cycling , it has in the past done far less for us than the local authorities have , and despite changes of public opinion the Scottish Office still views cycling as a ( road safety ) problem instead of a solution to traffic congestion which is healthy ( cf. the BMA Report , ‘ Cycling : Towards Health and Safety ’ , 1992 ) , cheap , quick and pollution-free .
14 This would seem self-evident but it has in the past exercised the minds of many lawyers , in relation to the IMRO venture capital rules at least .
15 But I think we see that with the capital programme , that quite clearly you 're erm , having to take into account the fact that capital spend erm , can not be er maintained at the level it has in the past , and indeed I believe you are talking about this matter , er , later on this morning .
16 If our club can make a difference , and it has in the past , we will send a tape straightaway . ’
17 Sun Microsystems Inc has signed a long-term lease for three buildings in Chelmsford , Massachusetts to consolidate the four existing offices it has in the state .
18 Mr. Walker : I know that the Hon. Gentleman will be delighted that since the valleys initiative was announced , unemployment in the valleys has fallen faster than it has in the rest of Wales .
19 We may also draw attention to the fact that it is possible logically , even if not biologically , to use old , with the same effect as it has in the phrase Charlie 's old school , in combination with the word mother ; the incongruity of the result should give us a very sharp view of the difference between the ordinary referential variation of adjectives used relativistically , and the semantic effect produced by the difference in type of relation at work in ( 33 ) and ( 34 ) .
20 Pulling out of the ERM in September and letting the pound float away from the rest of the bunch now looks even smarter than it has in the interim — particularly in the light of Sweden 's experience .
21 In his analysis , Hewlett-Packard Co , Sun Microsystems Inc and Intel Corp were out for blood , DEC and Compaq Computer Corp started eating their own children and ‘ the press , in a striking example of pack journalism , turned vicious , ’ playing up all the bad stuff — most notably MIPS ' financial distress — never mentioning the $50m it has in the bank — though see page three for MIPS ' disastrous results .
22 For these reasons , the uncertainty about the scope of ‘ civil and commercial matters ’ does not have the serious implications it has in the context of the taking of evidence for use abroad .
23 She stopped for a moment , and gazed at it with pleasure , and saw how huge it was , surging against the rocks with far more power and energy than it had in the shelter of the estuary , flinging plumes of spray about in a reckless manner and dragging back to gather itself for the next rush forward .
24 Although parliamentary government did not cease to work , it no longer appeared to be working in the way that it had in the past .
25 It had in the front all news pictures , in the back all gossip and pictures .
26 The first half dealing with the historical aspect of the Ju 52 , its development and predecessors , and the impact that it had in the world of air transport , concentrating mainly on the type 's civil use .
27 As they parted , she pursed her lips and lifted her well-attended face , which did n't look quite so young as it had in the restaurant .
28 It had in the end been a spectacular departure ; Phoebe 's final fling with overpowering emotion .
29 In the Western democracies of the late twentieth century the state has taken on an entirely different character from that which it had in the period of laissez-faire capitalism , or in earlier periods , when its functions were mainly confined to tax collecting , internal repression , and external conflict with other states ; now it is responsible in addition for the operation of a great range of public services as well as a general regulation of the whole economic system .
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