Example sentences of "it have [vb pp] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has met at regular quarterly intervals since then and is possibly the oldest meeting of its kind in Ireland .
2 It is perhaps surprising that it has survived at all , yet there are pockets in this country where these lifetime associations are still meaningful .
3 The ratio of girls to boys going to university fluctuated from 70 per cent in 1925 ; 50 per cent in 1937 ; 47 per cent in 1950 ; 50 per cent in 1960 ; 66 per cent in 1973 ; and it has remained at that level since .
4 Unfortunately on these occasions , all too often the prick of conscience , if it has operated at all , is instantly suppressed before it can take control , and it is this which appears to have become the normal response .
5 Although the board paid an interim dividend of 0.65 pence , it has decided at this stage to invest its funds in the business — the amount available , says chairman Rupert Bayfield , would have been negligible anyway .
6 But it has jibbed at some of the rents demanded .
7 This band was expanded by the World Administrative Radio Conference in 1979 to extend from 88 to 108 MHz — previously it had stopped at 100 MHz .
8 It is equally probable that the separation of the South Slav languages into Serb , Croat , Slovene , Macedonian and Bulgarian was then in an early stage of development , if it had occurred at all .
9 She had originally had it in childhood but it had disappeared at 14 years .
10 But it had disappeared at high speed into the early morning darkness .
11 Before the war it had opened at 6 am and kept open until 6 pm to give the men a further chance of shopping .
12 It had left at any rate a forcible temporary effect upon his own more cautious but equally human complacency .
13 He quickly realised that , tactically , the situation at Verdun was not quite as desperate as it had seemed at first sight .
14 It was something that it had happened at all .
15 It had happened at last !
16 point of view when the information 's been com when so it 's coming in and being sorted it is better that it 's done at that particular time
17 It 's done at six days
18 And it stays like that throughout , so the baby does not use its mechanism to control the temperature , it 's kept at that constant degree of warmth and it 's only when the baby comes out that it has to start looking after itself .
19 So wherever you are in the country , it 's charged at local prices .
20 The computer misuses act sounds like another law which might help , it 's enforced at this police unit in London , but it too seems powerless to stop outsiders impersonating or bribing their way to get hold of personal data .
21 It 's come at last ! "
22 The thing that worries some people is that as it 's come at this particular time that some of the things that might have been done five years ago by Local Education Authorities to improve their whole education for children with special needs may now , either through other competing financial pressures , or through inertia or whatever , the whole spirit of Warnock could be lost , and I think it 's a thing that , you know , one will have to keep a careful eye on .
23 and it 's opened at ten thirty by the Mayor .
24 I do n't think it 's changed at all really .
25 I do n't know why it 's changed at all .
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