Example sentences of "it be [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And out of the disorder of the mangled metal work comes a process as flowing and systematic as if it were building a pristine model from scratch .
2 Do you feel that it 's pointing the right way , bringing the sun in through the right windows at the right time of day ?
3 erm , and er , sometimes even pleased to say well I 'll try to get you in purple , but er , nowadays erm , we , we do n't go in for that because there 's , there 's so many er shops now that selling lighting fittings erm and selling nothing else , there is n't one actually in Harlow , but there 's one in Epping and there 's one in Stortford , erm that er , it 's , it 's riding a new car people want to see er a good variety of them , have a look at a lot or a washing machine or anything like that , you want to see many before you buy one .
4 IT 'S seeing the funny side that keeps Les Barker buoyant .
5 But it 's knowing the right things .
6 And it 's earning the chocolate-coloured Labrador that wrote it a worldwide reputation .
7 Yeah but w w too far because it 's affecting the middle peasants .
8 It 's terribly unfashionable , so it 's getting a new coat of paint at the Old Fire Station In Oxford .
9 That 's it , it 's getting a little bit annoying .
10 The working party on the theology of marriage is finding its task stimulating but arduous and it will surprise no one that it 's taking a long time .
11 It 's taking a long time to heal . ’
12 ‘ Everything official here seems to be tied up in red tape , so although it 's taking a long time I 'm sure the licence is being processed , ’ she declared defiantly .
13 Alpha Microsystems has written off its Italian and French subsidiaries and will be closing them soon , citing poor margins and continuous losses : as a result it 's taking a non-recurring charge in the second quarter , ended August 30 , and posting net losses of $3m , or 99 cents a share , on sales of $12.9m , up 9% .
14 Steven thinks that just be I only just got in he said , I 'm having my tea and he said there 's no way I 'm gon na do nothing like that at this time of night when I 've been fourteen hours at work So then he stormed off back home again so he said well you 'll have to move it cos it 's obstructing the dual carriageway someone might come round that corner fast and hit it .
15 It 's recognizing the many-one .
16 For businesses affected by the strike , it 's proving a long wait .
17 It 's generating the right kind of timbers , and then making the right kind of products from it . ’
18 Keep your ropes tight chaps , it 's moving a little bit now .
19 Feeding most species of marine fish is not therefore as simple as it may seem and even if a fish feeds eagerly , it does n't necessarily mean that it 's eating the right food .
20 Gloucestershire county councils economic development unit , which tries to attract jobs to the area , says it 's facing an uphill struggle against the recession .
21 So it 's learning the right one .
22 That is an opted out school as against the standard state school , which is subject to the overall policies of the Local Education Authority , and indeed it is funded by the Local Education Authority through a formula , and the amount of money that is put into that formula will obviously affect the amount of money the school has to spend , so it 's providing the same range of education within the National Curriculum , but it is not beholden to the Local Authority — that 's the basic difference .
23 These guys at the front are professionals and it 's stopping the professional side of wheelchair racing coming out .
24 In local councils , in trade union movement it 's damage limitation , it , it 's stopping the worst of Tory legislation and policies , in particular C C Ts .
25 plastic cover to try and keep it nice it 's looking a little bit er worse for wear .
26 I mean , th th they 're just moving away from the issue , because it it 's using a psychoanalytic stories .
27 Now the body that controls all prescribed medicines in the UK has written to the McConnell 's telling them it 's conducting a detailed investigation into the effects of this type of steroid on the immune system .
28 It 's stating the obvious to say that Brian May could probably open doors to any country he wanted to play in .
29 So you might find that if you do a thing on the H P you may find that what is being what 's happening is that it it it 's creating the wrong size addressings in the look up table because either it 's using you know , er signed and it 's su assuming unsigned byte or something .
30 And in , in a sense , it 's trying to use an economic , it 's , it 's because they 're , they 're setting up child care organizations , people employing child care , it 's , it 's creating an economic development solution to the social problem .
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