Example sentences of "it be not [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If it were n't for Lennie , George could have had a peaceful life and have married someone but it is this power of ‘ deep-inside ’ love which kept them together .
2 If it were n't for Dr Russell , the decision would be easy …
3 If it were n't for Dr Penry Vaughan she might well be dead .
4 I do n't want to stay here , and if it were n't for Mr. Stavanger I 'd have gone long ago .
5 ‘ If it were n't for tetherball , I think we both would have died of boredom ’
6 If it were n't for people like myself erm then maybe the older German tradition of historical writing would still today be dominant .
7 He did n't act much like a man who was expecting a favour , and if it were n't for Ana he certainly would n't get one .
8 But I do n't know what I 'd do if it were n't for Sean .
9 It were n't on Broadway itself .
10 well it were n't on fire
11 Conservative group leader Tony Richmond accused finance committee chair Jan Taylor of saying the council would have set a higher budget if it were not for government spending constraints .
12 This death of Solomon reissues would be understandable if it were not for treatment given by EMI to other pianists .
13 If it were not for Section 8 of the Contempt of Court Act , we might be able to make reforms more rationally on the basis of , at least , a minimal sample of the recorded deliberations of informed and unidentified jurors .
14 More straightforward were the comments recorded by Leonora Eyles of women in the early 1920s who declared that they would not mind married life so much if it were not for bedtime , or the anecdote related by a birth control pioneer to a 1930 conference on the provision of birth control information by public health authorities :
15 The mammoth catalogue raisonné of Magritte 's work would almost certainly not have come into existence if it were not for John ( d. 1973 ) and Dominique de Menil .
16 So she put the dress on , and thought for a moment that perhaps it was not quite so frightful after all , and then , after looking at herself for a little longer , wondered if it were not in fact more frightful than she had ever imagined .
17 So there is some pattern in this spelling it 's awkward it 's not as trouble is English is mixed up with bits of all sort of other languages over hundreds of thousands of years .
18 It 's not about racism in the police force , it 's not about dishonesty amongst police officers .
19 It 's not about marriage .
20 Wycliffe said : ‘ It 's not about Alfred that I 'm here but another matter altogether .
21 ‘ It 's got ‘ Earth ’ in the title , it 's not about hunting but there is a fox , and I ca n't remember the publisher . ’
22 ‘ Look , son , if it 's not about sex , how to convert your loft into a spare bedroom or a new diet guaranteed to lose ten pounds in two weeks , then this new magazine of yours wo n't sell .
23 As far as I 'm concerned , and I 've through the whole scene of infertility , motherhood is about responsibility and privilege , it 's not about rights , and it 's responsibility that lasts a lifetime and it 's tremendous privilege to be a mother !
24 There 's there 's one , I think that 's gon na need clarifying , and that 's that this course is n't about presenting , er , it it maybe about adopting a selling approach but it 's not about presentation skills .
25 But branches need a facility , it 's not about in-fighting , it 's about something that actually happened within my branch , I 'd like to add that we won the appeal , when the branch went through it raised two questions , we won one , we lost one .
26 It 's not about racism in the police force , it 's not about dishonesty amongst police officers .
27 See the trouble , the trouble which I found was it was difficult trying , you know , it 's not about dream con you know it 's not about
28 It 's not about hair or women being shameful , it 's about respect , about being sacred .
29 It 's not about events , but about characters and their discourse ’ ( 160 ) .
30 We spend most of our time trying to pretend it 's not about God at all .
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