Example sentences of "it be [verb] on to " in BNC.

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1 Could it be relied on to work well in the United Kingdom ?
2 But they did not want change and the link to be forged if it were to lead on to wild and radical measures for democracy , equality , and a social revolution that would threaten their larger position of power within the developing economy .
3 You 've got an S O four with two bonds on it and it 's holding on to a hydrogen
4 Leanne : It 's joined on to me , it starts at my feet .
5 You see , traditionally the eldest son of the family gives it to his bride-to-be , then eventually it 's handed on to their eldest son .
6 It looks as if it 's reeling on to that spool .
7 Yes it 's going on to word processor .
8 said : ‘ Our main objective is to ensure we retain the business achieved by ICI when it is transferred on to Courtaulds Aerospace sites or on to a Courtaulds Aerospace product .
9 By 1719 , the buildings of both the house and the hall were rapidly falling into ruin and a storm of 1720 , blew parts of the hall to the ground , but a stone figure of Haymo blown from a niche over the door was undamaged , falling it is said on to some grass , this was later presented to the Bishop of Rochester .
10 Satyāgraha is further described as an unending , relentless , dialectical quest for truth ; it is holding on to truth come what may .
11 Pindar wrote the first poem of his career ( Pythian x ) for a Thessalian patron in 498 : This opening places Thessaly straight away in the centre of Dorian Greek culture ; the Aleuad dynasty in Thessaly is treated as a branch of the house of Herakles , that is , it is grafted on to the Dorian Peloponnesian tree .
12 I 'd like to move a petition containing seven hundred and twelve signatures , residents of Broadstone who request the installation of a pedestrian crossing on Broadstone Lane , bottom end of Shakespeare Drive and propose that it is passed on to the environment committee for consideration .
13 She saw that the man who owned it was hanging on to the side and checking it each time it swung .
14 The body was still twitching when it was flung on to a table and the head hacked off , blood spurting like a fountain .
15 It was holding on to the tree but I pulled it off .
16 The dish contained something shiny and wobbly and pink with a cherry on it , and in some strange way it managed to look like something you would n't eat even if it was pushed on to your plate after a week 's starvation diet .
17 Actually the church had no tower — it was matted on to the exterior and the interior was built in the studio .
18 Probably much of his success as a teacher sprang from this , for the young greatly enjoyed his moments of iconoclasm , even when it was carried on to the cricket field where he had no knowledge of and certainly no respect for the laws of the game , as a current Member of Parliament may remember .
19 Mr Mallory perceived that his ice was warm and half melted inside its chocolate coating , and that it was dripping on to his new suit .
20 It was passed on to me , as your commanding officer , to take whatever steps I felt necessary .
21 When he died it was passed on to my father and then to me .
22 Beyond that , the official Libyan theory rested mainly on the proposition that the suitcase containing the bomb had been sent unaccompanied on an Air Malta flight to Frankfurt , where , undetected by Pan Am 's inadequate security arrangements , it was loaded on to a feeder flight to London and then transferred to a third aircraft for the New York leg of the journey .
23 It is quite clear that nothing is missing from the other end of the Interludium as it was copied on to this vellum : the vellum had already been cut to its surviving top edge by the time the Interludium came to be written on to it .
24 As I say it was tapped on to a row .
25 Yeah , that 's probably why you nicked off with it , cos it , it was clipped on to my Walk , er the Walkman when I came to your house .
26 The inter-war German democracy was precarious precisely because it was grafted on to a social order that had failed to create the very basic social and political conditions that would allow a democratic system to flourish , but also because while German expansion in the east had been halted , the drive to the east was still seen as a tantalising solution to all of Germany 's problems .
27 The tanker had been transporting oil from the United Kingdom North Sea terminal at Sullom Voe to La Coruña 's refinery , when it was driven on to rocks during a sudden squall .
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