Example sentences of "it be [verb] as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a healthy democracy the discussions of the representative assembly will as it were act as chairman for the multifarious informal discussion of the nation as a whole , and the measure of the successful working of democracy is the extent to which the voting of the ordinary man and woman has been informed by this widely diffused public discussion .
2 An important point to note is that since the introduction of independent taxation , a married woman is entitled to have her section of the joint pension offset against her own personal allowance instead of it being counted as part of her husband 's taxable income .
3 It 's done as part of a rolling programme we decided to spend at each of the stations on the electrification route and Darlington got a significant amount .
4 It 's known as Ghost of the Tree , ’ Wynne-Jones whispered .
5 Today , it 's known as Lolly 's Lagoon because she saw it first .
6 If it is seen as part of control over quality of education , the parent might ask why the child should be given access at all .
7 But it is seen as part of a whole , differentiated from the central state only by an increased concern with social reproduction .
8 It is seen as competition between multinational corporations which requires each to adopt the most profitable organization of its production and that invariably affects the international structure of its operations .
9 In fact it makes its point more powerfully if it is seen as prose but heard or read as poetry since the meditation then enacts for the reader that speech-become-song meditation-become-poem that Rolle talks of in The Fire of Love .
10 Where one party has no commercial autonomy vis-à-vis another , it is treated as part of the same economic grouping and therefore not subject to Article 85 , although if it is in a dominant position Article 86 may apply .
11 Where an article has become a fixture it is treated as part of the demise during the term .
12 Rather , it is treated as evidence of latent power , which serves as a constraint on management freedom of action .
13 Instead , it is taxed as income .
14 It is presented as proof of the success of her softer approach to all those Frogs , Krauts and Wops who live on the other side the English Channel .
15 The effect of this is to allow liquor to be provided for a further hour in the evening in a part of the premises set aside for people taking table meals provided it is consumed as part of the meal .
16 AT&T 's NCR Federal Systems Division is upgrading some of the products it is supplying as part of US government contracts : it has added the AT&T StarStation 386 DX PC to its $800 million , eight-year Office Automation Technology and Services ( OATS ) contract with the the Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) which it won back in in 1989 — 12,500 Intel 80386-based personal computers and 2,500 laptops have been shipped so far — and has upgraded computers supplied under the 1988 , $1bn Standard Multi-user Small Computer Requirements Contract to run Unix SVR4 .
17 Speaking broadly , we may say that in the Roman church it is regarded as presumption , in the Protestant churches it is a privilege or a duty , but in the New Testament it is simply a fact .
18 On the other hand it is not chaos , and within the context of this essay it is regarded as asymmetry … a balance of dissimilar forces .
19 The circuit 's owners , the exclusive British Racing Drivers ' Club , whose members include Nigel Mansell , Stirling Moss , James Hunt and Jackie Stewart , admit that they need to spend £15-20 million on the track if it is to continue as home of the British Grand Prix .
20 The state in which the ideas existed before being made conscious is called by us repression , and we assert that the force which instituted the repression and maintains it is perceived as resistance during the work of analysis .
21 In Sri Lanka it is dried and used as a fertiliser , while in Indonesia it is used as animal feed .
22 It is used as base for many cocktails , but one of my favourite ways of serving the stuff is with a little help from the hedgerows .
23 To harden a royal icing , for instance where it is used as part of a structure or decoration , a tiny amount only of acetic acid or cream of tartar could be added .
24 It is sitting as chairman or lay member of a tribunal which gives tribunals expertise , just as the senior barrister appointed to the Bench will soon acquire expertise in those areas of law which did not form part of his or her practice before appointment .
25 It is known as matrix modelling because it assumes that the price of a bond is made up from each component of relative value taken separately .
26 Thus where a business sells another business something which is a taxable supply , the VAT which that business charges on it is known as output tax .
27 The new product was tested in 1988 and launched in the UK in 1989 and has since been launched in Ireland , Australia and in Canada and the USA , where it is known as Pub Draught Guinness .
28 It is known as surface dyslexia ( Marshall and Newcombe , 1973 ; Coltheart , Masterson , Byng , Prior and Riddoch , 1983 ; Patterson , Marshall and Coltheart , 1985 ) .
29 In southern France , where it is known as pistou , it is often an accompaniment to roast lamb .
30 Dame Gillian Brown thanked the speakers with great enthusiasm , congratulated the Principal on ensuring the succession , and also thanked Patricia Hutchinson and Mary Keen for a successful meeting , and the University Womens ' Club ( worth joining even if it is known as Pussy Cat Hall by my irreverent 88 year old cousin , a St. Hugh 's gal ) gave us rather a good tea .
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