Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , influenced by the new metaphors of natural science , psychology has distorted the nature of psychological life by subjectivising and literalising experience and it needs to recover the metaphorical character of psychological life .
2 If ADAS wishes to continue to provide the service that it has done for many years to our industry , and as an ADAS spokesman said ‘ not to price itself out of the market ’ , then it needs to join the real world .
3 Before management can proceed it needs to understand the key elements in the information process .
4 It needs to have the necessary quality of confidence about it. ) 4 Whether the relevant information can be easily isolated from other information which the employee is free to use or disclose This to some extent relies on the intelligence and honesty of the employee .
5 It needs to rediscover the latent power of the media in preaching the Good News of justice , freedom and peace .
6 It has to resemble the real thing as done in the fields .
7 That uncertainty will mean that the City of London will lose any aspirations that it has to accommodate the central European bank .
8 THE European Community knows it has to support the liberal and democratic reforms of its eastern neighbours .
9 It has to provide the financial resources for at least a minimum number of services — defence , roads , education , income support , etc. — which are generally deemed to be necessary for the survival of any modern society .
10 It has impressed but it has to have the right tools if it is going to provide the safety that councillor referred to and the saving of life which was referred to by councillor .
11 Another and at least equally powerful strand says no , because it wants to emphasise the distinctive value of women 's insights , and also the special bond of sisterhood which is seen as binding women together , rather than letting them be absorbed and assimilated into he wider human group .
12 Digital Equipment Corp is very much an also-ran in X-terminals with its VXT 2000 line , but the firm says it wants to become the dominant player in the market and to that end is following leader Network Computing Devices Inc in going after OEM business — minimum 3,000 units .
13 The government has been quick to say that it plans to continue the economic policies that have pleased businessmen and kept the country relatively well-off .
14 CrossCom says that it plans to use the net proceeds for new product development and for working capital .
15 Fiserv Inc , the Brookfield , Wisconsin facilities manager , has filed with the US Securities & Exchange Commission to offer up to 3.85m common shares , 1.4m of them new , and says it plans to use the net proceeds for debt repayment and possible acquisitions .
16 Future base station installation is to depend on the geographical location of customers , but the company says it plans to increase the current 175 base stations to 200 before the end of the year .
17 Intel is believed to have changed the ‘ recipe ’ it uses to fabricate the hard-to-build chips and wo n't know until the autumn whether the process actually works .
18 Intel is believed to have altered the process it uses to fabricate the hard-to-build chips and wo n't know until the autumn whether the process actually works .
19 Non-Abta and non-Iata , it refuses to sell the traditional sun-and-sand Mediterranean package : instead it offers cheap air fares to ‘ responsive travellers ’ .
20 However , no Pakistani official ever talks about the apparent hypocrisy of the government 's claim to be fighting narcotics when it refuses to change the special status of these tribal areas .
21 British Telecom says it intends to acquire the necessary international private lines from US common carriers and their overseas correspondents .
22 The government says the changes are interim measures and it intends to reconsider the whole question of the treatment of earnings received by people on unemployment benefit .
23 The government says the changes are interim measures and it intends to reconsider the whole question of the treatment of earnings received by people on unemployment benefit .
24 The government says the changes are interim measures and it intends to reconsider the whole question of the treatment of earnings received by people on unemployment benefit .
25 it tends to elongate the whole process .
26 The dominant medical perception becomes ‘ official knowledge ’ ; it tends to ignore the complex interaction between mind and body and the social and economic realities of people 's lives and environment .
27 This is usually extremely wasteful and it tends to reinforce the inefficient image of PR executives .
28 Irrespective of any causal link , the additional personnel in joint assessments presumably comprised men who elsewhere would have been returned as wage earners or young and poor , but except in Kerrier , where it led to 880 native assessments comprehending as many as 1,179 individuals , it did not add greatly to the numbers of poorer men ; and if it tends to raise the true proportion to a clear quarter in a couple of hundreds , it hardly made any difference in West and Trigg .
29 Otherwise it tends to make the whole picture , like , I went to er er one club once and there was a very nice portrait , not unlike this , there was a girl sitting on a stool , rather less clothes on than this girl has got and it was very nicely done except she was sitting on a painted stool and all the paint was chipped and that to me looked really tacky !
30 The problem is that although the beliefs and feelings are " always concerned with matters at the heart and root of existence " — which does suggest or give opportunity for something which is not just subjective in interpretation — it tends to subsume the religious view of life under what we might call a humanist umbrella .
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