Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The role it plays in normal memory may therefore have been underestimated .
2 He is clearly rather tired of preaching the design gospel when it has been evident to him for many years the fundamental role it plays in good business practice .
3 Although its development from infancy to early adulthood has been much examined , the part it plays in later life has been largely neglected .
4 This can explain why some dogs dislike an owner of one sex , or children , whom it associates with previous maltreatment .
5 It differs from traditional criticism by not pretending to retrieve a single , definitive meaning from the literary text , but on the other hand , it does ascribe a special kind of content to literature : form itself .
6 It differs from traditional grammar in its concentration on structural meanings which " are specifically signaled by a complex system of contrastive patterns ’ ( Fries ) .
7 It differs from ordinary hammer drills ( which operate on a ratchet/percussion mechanism ) because it is operated by an electro-pneumatic mechanism .
8 One essay may have both first-class and abysmal features and yet be graded neither A nor F ; instead it may get a C which fails altogether in letting us know that it differs from another essay graded C which is consistently of that quality in all its parts .
9 It differs from naive breadth first search , much as the naive version of the crates problem differs from the real version .
10 The predictions are supported by evidence that male dwarfism is an evolutionary strategy in solitary , sedentary animals , that it evolves in low population densities ( high search costs ) , and that it correlates with a female-biased adult sex ratio ( reduced male competition ) .
11 If it crosses over that line , being mad will turn into being a lawsuit . ’
12 Then it turns into self-righteous hypocrisy . ’
13 Unlikely though it may sound it kicks with some ferocity .
14 Unlikely though it may sound it kicks with some ferocity .
15 well can you explain please as the man who devised these charges and assessed them and work them out how by some process of reason anybody reading that sentence gets the clue that when it says management charges will rise at a rate below the level of inflation , it refers to one pound fifty nine , how can you understand that ?
16 The Act provided no definition of a ‘ public place ’ , but it refers to any place to which the public have access , irrespective of whether or not they have a legal right to go there , even when there are particular and restricted rules of entry .
17 It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas .
18 It at the beginning of the second sentence refers to coming downstairs ( and not to his head , of course ) , and then the next it refers to another way .
19 It refers to excluded knowledge , failure to give pupils opportunities to appreciate , areas left out of consideration , ideas not addressed , concepts not offered or discussed .
20 Geschichte as Kähler used it refers to past history as such ; Historie to history as studied by the means and methods of historical study .
21 Cunningham said his members are adamant about having input into system software and ensuring that it integrates with other operating environments such as Windows NT , Taligent and OS/2 .
22 it contributes to better market forecasting at the concept stage of development ;
23 Often , indeed , students of social policy go further and explicitly analyse the extent to which it contributes to social equality .
24 Repeated use is perceived as necessary in order to survive , yet at the same time it contributes to further decline .
25 It may be exempted under Article 85(3) if it contributes to improving production or distribution of goods or promoting technical or economic progress while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit .
26 Secondly , since Rookes v. Barnard there has been considerable development in the contractual context of the doctrine of ‘ economic duress , ’ and in this context it is clear that although a threat to break a contract is ‘ illegitimate ’ it will not amount to duress unless it goes beyond commercial pressure and amounts to ‘ coercion of the will . ’
27 It goes beyond conventional drug design .
28 I think it goes through that way , but , I think these are direct drive , but it 's actually a straight piece in
29 see when the water comes back out the filter it goes through this pipe right , a big unit type of thing
30 Erm unle unless we 're actually making that change as such , then the only way forward it seems to me i i is on the lines of which of which Mr has indicated which is that erm essentially the needs of Greater York are calculated on the current Greater York study area and the requirements are made on that basis and the supply is within that area , unless it ca n't be made in that area in that case it goes without that area , and therefore it it it 's part of the justification for the new settlement .
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