Example sentences of "it [was/were] [verb] not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was struck not at the weak man who suffered it but at the strong God who was the man 's master .
2 ‘ When Euston was first built ’ , reported a Victorian commentator in 1896 , ‘ it was regarded not as a railway station but as a spectacle .
3 If there was to be an escape , it was to lie not in the ‘ damp gust bringing rain ’ but in ‘ Shantih ’ as the Buddhist 's passing beyond the cycles of creation .
4 However , in order that the scheme could , if successful , be relatively easily incorporated by local authorities into existing patterns of service provision it was decided not to substitute but to see whether it was possible to work alongside other services .
5 It was written not in Latin , but in the Romance language .
6 It was made not by one of the ‘ new generation ’ but by one of the ‘ pioneers ’ .
7 The bookstore window features fanned stacks of the most recent scrotum-tightener from the feminist front : it was called Not On Our Lives and it was by Karen Krankwinkl .
8 It was called not by a pope , nor even a patriarch , but by the Empress Irene .
9 There were many interesting features about this project , not least that it was funded not by the British Library but the Government 's Department of Environment — an indicator of the recognition that information use is not simply a library problem .
10 It was discovered not on earth in fact but on the sun in the first place , in about eighteen sixty-eight erm absorption lines were seen , and , and it was a long time after that before people realised there was some helium on the earth and , and , and eventually erm helium , some gas was found bubbling up through , from a pit in the Black Forest and , and analysed and found to be helium .
11 Once it was felt not to be reliable as evidence for Jesus ' own history and teaching , however , most of what the psychological biographies had chiefly depended upon was removed along with it .
12 It was a tall , thin , almost clownlike man with large destroyed teeth in a long mobile face who was the unlikely source of so commanding a voice ; and it was a relief to find that it was directed not at us , but at our surrounding mob .
13 For once in her life she was grateful for the surge of anger welling up inside her , glad to use it as a defence , even though in her heart she knew it was directed not at Dane but at herself .
14 Rather surprisingly , it was published not in the pages of Nature or Science , where hot news is usually aired for rapid communication among scientists , but between the sober covers of the Astrophysical Journal ( vol 248. p 1144 ) , a pillar of respectability among the astronomical establishment .
15 To his credit , Lord Whitelaw having been forced to bring in the short sharp shock , dropped it when it was proved not to work .
16 203 , the corporation , having for a number of years paid purchase tax on manufactured stationery , erroneously believing it to be due , sought to recover it when it was held not to be chargeable .
17 In Cigaro ( Glasgow ) Ltd. v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1983 S.L.T. 549 it was held not to be a breach of natural justice to hear only submissions and not to allow evidence to be led , where this was the practice of the licensing board .
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