Example sentences of "it [vb mod] be [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The greater the variety of non-academic and pre-vocational examinations there are on offer , the easier it may be to progress in this direction .
2 In short , the value of history as a school subject must be constantly and publicly argued because : ( 1 ) history may lose out in any modification to the National Curriculum ; ( 2 ) in the implementation of the existing national curriculum it may be marginalised in the scramble for resources and timetable space ; ( 3 ) a rigorous projection of the value of the subject is important to the well-being of the school in the face of competition from other schools and possible closure ; ( 4 ) students have a choice at Key Stage 4 and in the sixth form and it is essential for the integrity of the subject that single-subject history should have a good representation at both levels ; ( 5 ) above all history has much to offer to the student of the 1990s .
3 This type of biography must be particularly carefully scrutinized since it may be lacking in much criticism of its subject .
4 Before introducing a new set of coordinates , it may be noted in passing that Feinstein and Ibañez ( 1989 ) have considered an alternative coordinate system and have expanded a general solution in a different way involving Bessel and Neumann functions of zero order .
5 It may be noted in passing that particular terms of this type have been included by Feinstein and Ibañez ( 1989 ) in the class of solutions that will be described in Section 10.7 .
6 It may be noted in passing that , in the colinear case in which and , this generation technique is equivalent to putting which is effectively contained in ( 12.1 ) but with a change in the sign of V .
7 It may be noted in passing that the advertisement supplement , far from being a modern development first appeared in 1666 in this country .
8 As regards the requirements referred to in part ( b ) of the national court 's question ( 2 ) as I reformulated it above , it may be noted in limine that the mere fact that fishing activity is carried out , on a self-employed basis , using a fishing vessel registered in a member state does not mean that there is establishment in that state .
9 It may be noted in passing that one of the results of their synthesis , here as in the case of Molla Yegan , is a certain idealizing of the early Muftilik in an important respect .
10 The BBC 's pre-war conception of the audience had been more like that of someone reading a book — a deliberate and solitary or individual habit , though it may be done in company — than of a collective social entity .
11 Point A must , therefore , be on the individual 's budget line ( or , as it may be called in this case , his consumption possibilities line ) .
12 It may be said in general that the designer of a superconducting circuit needs to worry about the response time and energy of superconducting electrons .
13 The ethics may appear questionable to present day conservationists , but it may be said in defence that the trip was made with the knowledge of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , whose observations at that time showed that there was no falling off in the numbers of breeding birds as a result of the annual slaughter .
14 However they decided the case on another basis and Pearson LJ said " it may be said in answer to the possibility of such a reductio ad absurdum , though no doubt , it has to be taken into account , is far from conclusive , because it may involve unlikely hypotheses , which would be outside the reasonable expectations of the parties at the time of the making of the contract of employment " .
15 It may be based in Texas but the marketing arm is in California at +1 510 947–4814 .
16 If she is not the person she purports to be , it may be argued in law that the will is invalid .
17 The information from the assessment may be presented orally at a case conference or it may be presented in the form of a written report .
18 Within that horizon , its doctrines may of course be affirmed and presented as true ; but the wider and more ample perspective of the study of religion in general can not permit such restrictions — though it may be engaged in by one who also , as a personal matter , adheres to a particular faith .
19 For them it may be stated in the following terms :
20 Only in 1835 , after intermittent rioting , subsequently suppressed by the Coldstream Guards , did the magistrates cautiously suggest that unrest had ended , ‘ Otmoor , being now it may be hoped in a state of permanent tranquillity ’ .
21 The money supply is of no intrinsic significance : it only matters to the extent that it may be manipulated in such a way as to achieve other intermediate objectives of macroeconomic policy such as interest rate or exchange rate stability .
22 Similarly , it may be warranted in situations where highly confidential and sensitive material is to be handled by the job holder .
23 In one sense , literature is like any other form of social or cultural activity , so that it may be analyzed in semiological terms ; this would involve discovering what the nature of its component signs are , and how the system governing their use and combinations operates .
24 I was going to say , the Centre is still operating although it may be reduced in size .
25 It may be a direct or an indirect restraint or it may be contained in an agreement outside the primary contract between the parties .
26 It may be read in the conventional order , with or without the final section of ‘ dispensable ’ chapters , or in a shuffled order , interpolating the ‘ dispensable ’ chapters according to the author 's directives so as to have fresh perspectives on the events described .
27 It may exist in disregard of a loving partner , it may be condoned in a marriage where that partner is unloving , it may be reprehensible in its effect on spouse and children or — occasionally — it may support the family 's continued existence in circumstances which might otherwise break it .
28 The basic conditional jump instructions are ( b ) and ( c ) ; the condition may be encoded in the operation code field , or it may be specified in a subsidiary information field .
29 It may be renegotiated in the light of experience .
30 Affray may be committed by one individual , and , like the other offences , it may be committed in a private place .
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