Example sentences of "it [vb mod] even [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the latter case it may even be a matter of reading one page in one session , whereas in the former you may be able to read and study a chapter — or even two .
2 The right moment to begin , he wrote , is the moment when right and wrong are no longer an issue , it may even be the moment , he wrote , when the realization dawns and is at once accepted that another moment might have been equally valid , and when this no longer matters .
3 It may even be the view of right hon. Gentlemen opposite in their secret hearts .
4 It may even be the school you know ?
5 In some places it may even be an improvement , and of course if only I was years younger I would be thrilled at the challenge .
6 In an odd sort of way , it might even be a boast .
7 Nowhere is the siren song of conservation more difficult to resist than when it combines a sentimental appeal to make a restoration project out of every down-at-heel relic , with the coded suggestion that it might even be a retail money-spinner in its own right if properly marketed by a curator and a press officer with a gift shop and a T-shirt designer on hand .
8 In the Highlands it might even be a matter of clanship , for in 1776 Lord Kames declared fugitive five women who had been responsible for assembling a mob which had insulted and attacked Patrick Grant , the new presentee at Boleskine , part of the forfeited Lovat estate , ‘ in resentment that they were not to get a gentleman of the name of Fraser to be their minister ’ .
9 It might even be a foreign investor not plugged into your fancy computerised system . ’
10 ‘ I 'm afraid it might even be a rat , ’ Emily said .
11 ‘ If we could be sure he 's having to hide out in the open , it might even be a good idea . ’
12 It might be a , it might be a relational database management system , it might even be a hierarchical system .
13 In fact , it might even be a hindrance , though I suppose later on you 'd need to discover some kind of friendship too , otherwise what on earth would you talk about at nights ? ’
14 If I was lucky , my father might tell me something and , if I was luckier still , it might even be the truth .
15 It might even be the last time she stood there .
16 It could even be a restraint on a democratic Soviet Union , as President Havel of Czechoslovakia suggested at NATO last week .
17 It could even be a problem if the three players are not coming .
18 It could even be a problem if the three players are not coming .
19 It could even be a scho very often a school bus .
20 Conceivably , it could even be the spark to provide the super-charged finish to the season Leeds need to beat Manchester United to the title .
21 Oxford primary readers are fun : they help pupils discover that reading in English does n't have to be hard work — it can even be a delight !
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