Example sentences of "it [vb mod] just be that " in BNC.

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1 It may just be that Clinton is taking advantage of the transition period until he takes over the Presidency to air some personal prejudices and satisfy the grievances of some of his supporters .
2 We might think that any differences reflected poorer performance but it may just be that they merely reflect the different impact of specific price changes on drugs compared with books .
3 The output comparisons have to take into account social , economic and political considerations : it may just be that in Rochester the residents prefer not to have to drag their refuse up the garden path , at any price .
4 So it would certainly be naive to think that whenever people felt unhappy erm it was er was some kind of pathology and that , that evolution could n't explain it , and it may just be that the women feel a bit fed up because of hormonal changes and it does n't awfully much , it 's just one of things you pay for being a mother .
5 For the woman in our example , it might just be that in fact she has a very small frame and she should therefore be 8 st 2 lb.
6 If you take photographs as a hobby , you are likely to have produced at least one quality snap in your time and it might just be that a magazine would find it useful .
7 So it could It might just be that that 's causing the problem .
8 It might just be that the best way forward in Africa is by falling back on the spirit of silif , and building on it .
9 But it might just be that we ca n't have both and we ca n't ensure that people vote from the right from moral motivation rather than personal interest and we ca n't ensure vote
10 So it could It might just be that that 's causing the problem .
11 It could just be that some of us get married to creatures that fit that description , so perhaps there 's a mysterious kind of genetic memory involved here .
12 Furthermore , it could just be that his union might contain diverse political factions within it which , thanks to years of forced and unenforced apartheid , have come to permeate every fabric of society and may well have forced SARU into an on-going powerplay with SARB .
13 It could just be that you are the indirect cause of the complaint and the action you take has a consequential impact on the customer .
14 Er I mean it could just be that they do n't like it , so anything which they do n't like is grating or
15 It could just be that you 're the person in your family who knows what 's on all those video tapes that nobody 's labelled up .
16 so it would n't be that they interruptions listening necessarily it would just be that would n't expect to have to .
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