Example sentences of "it [vb mod] only be [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , it may only be when family relationships are poor that the inherited predisposition is likely to lead to schizophrenia .
2 If an animal does not eat a food item at one moment but does later , it may only be because it was not hungry before , not because it has learned to see it .
3 It 'll only be after I 've m met a few people and photographed them well , that maybe my name will be start to be mentioned around That is another reason for courting the Trade 's Council and any other councillors that come in .
4 it 'll only be until I should think erm next Tuesday will be the last batch , cos we 've got these bank holidays fortunately in the , in the way where I T still work but we do n't and so they 're gon na fix , they 'll carry on fixing it over the weekend .
5 They decided that it could only be because Joan 's health was so poor in the fens that the professor was forced to move .
6 It could only be because they had something to hide .
7 Everyone knew how important punctuality was to Laura ; she believed if you arrived late it could only be because you had not started out early enough .
8 If she felt hurt at the realisation that his affectionate gestures had been no more than a front — well , it could only be because her ego was wounded .
9 Franco repeated the message of his 2 December letter when he said that he did not " see any advantage in change " and that if he were ever to delegate the leadership of the government , it would only be when he was no longer able to carry out the functions of that position as well as those of head of state .
10 Erm I did say at the time if the Council agreed it was we would approve the new application it would only be if the original was rescinded and I did speak to the Town Clerk so there 's no need , I 'm not making a big issue , but I think the Council should be aware and the Town Clerk I believe has notified because again this is one of those things that could happen at a later date and as we all know if we have n't made these things perfectly clear .
11 It would only be if they suspected that something odd was going on .
12 It would only be if somebody was off on long term sickness or
13 Even though I do not support the death penalty for most crimes , it will only be when the threat of death hangs over their heads that the thugs who attack our unarmed officers will think twice before they act .
14 It will only be when you see the results of your actions that you realize how effective they have been .
15 Whilst this situation has changed in recent years , it will only be when local female populations attain the same educational standard as their male counter-parts and take a key role in management decisions that substantial progress will be made .
16 If Tories are not flung to the lions in Blaenau , it can only be because lions are rare in the one-time mining valleys of South Wales .
17 But if you do , even though the evidence seems stacked against me , it can only be because you love me too , for that 's the only thing that could overcome a mistrust as deeply rooted as yours . ’
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