Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [adv] mean [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It may also mean that there may be a sharper ‘ problem ’ of old age as people live longer after their retirement from work .
2 This not merely makes direct comparison difficult , but it may also mean that such comparisons would be of questionable value given that they would not relate to the actual situation in which traditional and non-traditional students are competing for places , and in which their work and achievement can be meaningfully compared .
3 It may just mean that you might see Er I mean is elevated above the A Nineteen , and indeed you can catch glimpses of it
4 It may simply mean that at this moment only one entrepreneur has taken the step of presenting this particular opportunity to the market .
5 It may actually mean that you 're getting a bit too rough on your skin !
6 At one extreme , it may mean that the world will not contain an example of any single human being doing that thing ; at the other end , it may merely mean that if a group of human beings adopt a norm requiring that behaviour , the norm will often be broken , its observance will give rise to a good deal of anxiety , those who comply without anxiety to the norm will be unusual in other respects , and so forth .
7 It should also mean that when Mr , that 's it , says the nurses were marvellous , the nurses are able to say in all evidence , and with evidence to support their opinion , yes
8 And although a green glow that is weaker than it ought to be might mean that some of the cells in the area are turning malignant , it might also mean that the operator has the end of the bronchoscope too far from the target , or pointing at an awkward angle .
9 It might even mean that the personnel records and salaries systems could be cost justified largely on the basis of savings in the recruitment area .
10 The sentence ‘ We have only shown that A is justified if B and C are ’ could mean , as was pretended above , that we have shown A 's justification to be conditional on that of B and C ; but it could also mean that if B and C are in fact justified , we have shown that A is , i.e. that the success of our demonstration is conditional , not the justification we have demonstrated .
11 But it could also mean that erm they were getti that it they had been successful in getting taxation from what they 'd done since the beginning of cos they felt they could go even further .
12 Once or twice lately he 's mentioned the possibility that he might ‘ change his way of life ’ which could mean that he intended to get married , but with Francis it could equally mean that he was thinking of taking up golf or ludo . ’
13 Of course , it could simply mean that winter foetuses might not get the same diet as others .
14 He said it would be a mistake , ‘ a mistake in sentiment ; for it could only mean that we were embalming the corpse of something that is n't really dead and need n't die at all — an aesthetic mistake — because we do n't really want to have the taste of our schooldays established as a boundary for our whole lives ’ .
15 If the horse had been doped , it could only mean that someone in Bill 's yard had been involved .
16 It could only mean that his own future as Duke was doubly assured .
17 For it would effectively mean that Britain had gone bust .
18 It would also mean that the Nullity of Marriages Act , section 2(c) , must be interpreted so that this type of fraud comes within its terms .
19 It would also mean that any changes to the system at this stage could be rectified without high costs being incurred .
20 It would also mean that Scottish programme makers would have to bid for resources to London , where priorities might well be different from their own .
21 To do so would not , on Mr Miller 's terms , increase the penalty ; it would merely mean that the criminal could escape the more easily for want of key witnesses .
22 If you were to see an adult goat jump like this , it would usually mean that it was in a desperate situation .
23 So it will just mean that on those cases , on approximately forty , their arrears letter will be going out a couple of weeks late .
24 It will also mean that you do not have scope for considering all the potential alternatives thoroughly before making your final selection .
25 It will also mean that Ulster patients will no longer have to be sent to English hospitals for heart operations in a bid to shorten the waiting list .
26 It will also mean that prices of lustre pottery will rocket upwards — a good thing if you have some , but not so good for those collectors just starting out .
27 Today 's Law Lords judgement should keep Bridget O'Brien in her house , it will also mean that in future , a wife or partner only agrees to mortgage their home as security for a loan after being fully informed of the possible consequences .
28 This is a mistaken fear : if causes are the cement of both the natural and social universe , refusal to consider their existence will not stop them operating ; it will merely mean that such causes are not uncovered , and , ironically , therefore will not be harnessed to give people greater control over and choice in their environment .
29 If this should occur it will only mean that the symptoms will intensify a little further , making it even more difficult to ignore the stress , forcing you to act to reduce the level .
30 But it , well what it will do is it will actually mean that you have n't , should n't have to worry so much about keeping logs of what you 've sent round and , and so on .
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