Example sentences of "it [num] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well , that 25-yard volley makes it two-nil to the young bloods .
2 Mark Pembridge made it 3–0 in the last minute with a stunning 20-yard half-volley into the top of the net .
3 DEMOS took just under 55 per cent of the vote in the Socio-Political Chamber elections , which according to a proportional representation system gave it 47 of the 80 seats .
4 One of them carries Coslany Street north from St Laurence 's Church , and is a cast-iron bridge of 1804 , making it one of the earliest surviving iron bridges in Britain , built a quarter of a century after Shropshire 's famous pioneer at Ironbridge ( q.v . ) .
5 It would certainly appear to be of a representative or commemorative character however , which would make it one of the earliest of such scenes in Britain ( the most likely candidate for this honour is a possible chariot scene , from Exeter : Bidwell 1979 , pI .
6 This would indeed have made it one of the greatest empires in Europe .
7 Home-school links , the promotion of which was originally considered important enough to make it one of the four original aims of PNP , accounted for only one teacher-day in every hundred devoted to primary INSET .
8 However , when looking at speech at the level of the tone-unit we are not usually interested in this ; a much more important difference here is that between tonic stress ( marked by underlining the tonic syllable and placing before it one of the five tone-marks ) and non-tonic stressed syllables ( marked or in the head or in the tail ) .
9 Defoe in his time called it one of the finest cities in Europe .
10 Is it one of the new quangos or is it a S F R A , a self financing regulatory authority that has powers to issues and regulations and charge people for the job that it then does .
11 Cos it one of the new places .
12 Virgin last night refused to comment , but estimates are that the deal could be worth well in excess of £50m , making it one of the largest investments by a Japanese organisation in a UK company .
13 A connoisseur of French and Italian drawings , Jacob Bean managed to double the number of European drawings in the collection to more than 4,000 , making it one of the largest and most distinguished in the States .
14 The Intel 386sx TM processor runs at 20Mhz making it one of the fastest SX 's on the market .
15 I find it one of the fastest most exciting games about !
16 Set up with the expertise of committed , professional staff , the Democrat 's weekly sales of over 9,000 makes it one of the fastest growing weekly papers in the British Isles .
17 His maximum brought with it one of the fastest race times ever seen in Swindon .
18 Ian has spent the winter season rebuilding his machine to make it one of the fastest 600s on the grid .
19 However , the judges awarded it one of the fifth prizes for a War Department design .
20 Thereafter it was continually in need of repair or subject to minor alteration until the Reformation , given a Lady Chapel for the cult of the Virgin in the later thirteenth century and , most obviously , a spire in the fifteenth century , making it one of the best landscape features of any medieval building , far less uniformly oppressive than Salisbury .
21 Only last year the four-star Tiroler Adler underwent an extensive renovation that made it one of the best hotels in Kirchberg .
22 Borage has star-shaped flowers of an intense blue rarely seen in other plants and these , together with its long-flowering tendency , ease of cultivation , and hardiness , make it one of the best garden plants .
23 Even now , I consider it one of the best machines ever made .
24 I like to think that I share a love of the World Service and an interest in it with Mr. Gorbachev , who gave it one of the best unsolicited testaments that anyone could when he said that while being held prisoner he heard about what was going on in the world by listening to the World Service .
25 Now Hector 's is in the limelight not only in New Zealand but also internationally , as efforts to save this unique species are making it one of the conservation success stories of the world .
26 Coda Inc currently has seven offices in the US , and saw sales increase 49% to $10.6m , which , Turner reckons , makes it one of the few UK companies to have succeeded in such a notoriously dangerous market .
27 The sunken city on its north shore makes it one of the few places in the world where it is possible to go hard aground on a Byzantine mosaic .
28 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
29 The Sprengel Museum re-opened in May after the completion of a new extension , making it one of the foremost museums for twentieth-century art in Europe ( see The Art Newspaper No. 14 , Janaury 1992 , p.9 ) .
30 yeah so I chased off after it one of the little boxes had come loose and carted it back to the house I said your going to be a Christmas decoration whether you like it or not !
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