Example sentences of "it [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Roy concluded , ‘ Need to have it ratified by the Board .
2 When we turn to the uterus , not only is it situated in the abdomen , but it is also confined to women ; and even in our enlightened days , it is hedged around with taboos .
3 Has it fallen off the roof ?
4 Celibacy is , at best , the lesser evil ; by no means is it regarded as a panacea .
5 Bull , developing parallel Unix boxes with IBM , says it may license technology it developed for the EDS project to big blue .
6 The lighting was a problem in the hall , if you had it pointed towards the window it was too bright , if you pointed it into the interior , it was too dark .
7 BuNo 133722 became a familiar sight at most West Cost USA airshows over the years until Lindsey purchased it and had it flown to the UK .
8 The earliest experiment in New Jersey suggested that the reduction in working hours produced by relatively high tax rates was small — a 0.5-per-cent reduction in hours worked by men who received a cash supplement and had it withdrawn at a 50-per-cent tax rate .
9 I can keep it hidden from the Vatman and the revenue .
10 They were over two miles from Roxburgh Castle here , it hidden by the lie of the land .
11 ( In Henry VIII 's reign , the great Dutch scholar Erasmus was given the benefice of Aldington in Kent and had it commuted for a pension of £20 , charged on the living . )
12 And er when it come to a vote to try and get anything passed or changed the wee branches were solid voting for the national agreement .
13 And er when it come to the election of a shop steward about in ni nineteen er I think it were nineteen twenty seven , it were nineteen twenty seven er I there were two hundred in our shop and I got elected shop steward , mainly I think because a lot more , most did n't did n't want to be bothered you know but anyway I I and so that 's what I retained .
14 That was a great week because they felt they were getting it for nothing , till it come to the end of the quarter and then they had to pay it .
15 Because er it come as a bit of a shock to you did n't it ?
16 Erm it come from the county surveyor , apparently he 'd had complaints .
17 That 's it come round the Y , now go back to the G , start , where you going ?
18 However , nearly 80 per cent of you who own a shower have it installed in the bathroom , and a shower curtain over the bath is the favourite type of screen .
19 When one of the party , a Mrs Samuels , died on the trip , Cook diplomatically disguised the fact from the Arabs and , pretending that she was ill , packed up her body and had it carried in a palanquin until a suitable burial could be arranged .
20 Is it encoded in every molecule that things fuck up , that love will fail ?
21 ‘ At first , I had a few reservations but we got it mixed in a day .
22 Just knock down any scheme you do n't happen to like and have it rebuilt at the expense of the public purse , ’ says independent property consultant Jonathan Landes .
23 It was kept locked , and entry to it forbidden to the children , as Léonie knew perfectly well .
24 We are it said on the thing .
25 By writing this story virtually as a film script and having it turned into a film very soon afterwards , Franco made it clear that Raza also represented what he wanted to be the popular , mass vision of him .
26 Nor was it made by the authorities — except , apparently , in times of political and social crisis , the eruption of class hatred , religious and political persecution .
27 Is it made from the inside outward or outside inward ?
28 I could have had it done through the bank but he was always up town anyway so
29 You 'd have it done through the bank anyway and I 'd just pay you weekly I cou might as well rather than monthly .
30 A lot of it done during the evenings and weekends ?
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